

The Average Happiness !!
Yes I like video games. I am grown so old and I still play video games. She is a scholar. All that she does is study all times. And apart from playing video games I spend rest of my time in missing her. I miss her too much. And I also feel that she is not much interested in me. She is not as keen for me as I am for her. She is supposed to be spending her free time with me but instead of this she is found to be dating other boys. Any one who is reading this will call me mad and that is exactly what I think about myself too. From the childhood I have felt that I am different from others. There is nothing wrong in thinking that you are different but when you think that you are different and you spend that time in loneliness then you do start feeling yourself as mad even if you are way better than others. She is spending time with other boys, and I don't know what else she is doing with them but whatever she is doing, it does not involve me. She is not talking to me but she is spending all her time doing something behind me. She also wants me to feel it that way. She is hurting me intentionally. She gropes those boys in front of me. She does every bitchy thing that she can do in front of me and besides this she does much more that I don't see. I am losing my senses and there is nothing I can do to stop it. She will keep hurting me and I will keep getting hurt. I can either run away somewhere else or I can kill myself, that is the only option left for me. Killing myself seems to be most helpful way. Because of the pain that she gives, I become so vulnerable that everyone seems to be hurting me all the time. I am so depressed that I can no longer fight for any right of myself. I am losing, depressed and no longer enjoying a single bit. Life is no longer enjoyable. I can't feel joy. Everyone seems like an enemy to me. This is surely depression but if I know that I am feeling depressed then there is surely some progress. Because if the situation was not in control then I would not have been recognising it. I am able to recognise it then it means I can still make it better. I can feel happier if I do happy things. Yes that is what I can do. Happiness comes when you do those things which make you happy but you can not do the same things again and again and when you do the same things again and again you become bored and then it makes you lost and depressed. So keep changing things that you do. Do different types of works in one day. It makes us feel better and happy. That is the key of Happiness.
#depression #happiness #joy #life