

The Wisdom of the Trees:
Heavy breathing floods my chest. I run to a forest full of immense trees. Big ones with twisted trunks and leaves in millions it would seem. I came running away from a ghostly spirit. He had come to claim my death. I just don't feel ready. I had to run but what have I arrived to?

It was nightfall. Only stars were up, other then that bitter darkness. My life has gone astray. I start to cry. I think of my regrets with remorse. I lost it all, and now I wander to this forest. I walk miles trying to save myself. I fear the unknown, so I stand still upon a tree. I sit down to watch the skyline.

I kinda feel drowsy from tiredness. My eyes are heavy from tears. I yearn for another day. I don't understand why? I am weak at times. I cry out my regret. As dawn comes, I fall asleep.

Birds singing, that wakes me up. I jolt up to another day. I was heard! The sun is barely rising. When a man comes towards me. He is an old man dressed in a cloak. His aged voice carries wisdom.

"Hello there? I live in this very tree. Who may you be?"

"Yes... I am lost. I was with a friend drinking when we parted into the woods. I felt a presence that followed me. Then, in fear i just ran."

"Well, this tree is my home. These woods I know well. My expertise it is to know a whole tree by all its elements."

"I see. I don't know much. Is there a lake near by?"

"In fact there is. It's a few miles away but approachable. I can invite you to my home and direct you where to go."

"Well fine. Please tell me more."

"Come let's go. Inside my tree is my home."

The boy went alongside the wizard and entered his home. The wizard's home was strange. He had plants and what seemed to be potions. Possibly remedies also! What have I stumbled upon, thought the boy.

"Would you care for tea or water?"

"Water please."

The boy was given water. He was invited to the old man's table.

"You are lost correct?"

"Yes. I ran away from a ghostly spirit and into these woods. I had fear of death to be honest."

"Death puts us in fear. We fear to decay and lose it all. But even these immense trees die. Even after many generations. They fall to their death but that doesn't take away their usefulness to creatures. They come to this world, grow gradually and plunge down. A fall, all creatures know."

" I just want to live."

"This I understand. But what path do you want to unravel? What are the desires of your heart? Maybe I can guide you. For a heart is a latern, it guides hope inside you."

"I lost a home. My family grew up and now we grow apart. I feel as I just wander. Looking through glass, I see life set up for others, very different from me."

"Do you recall how tree branches twist? They braid, because of upbraiding actions that are needed, to conquer challenges. The paths we walk. Now the leaves are our fruits. Trees die when they can no longer produce and hollow out. Are you empty inside?"

"I think so."

"Well, I can open the sky before your eyes and we can speak to my tree."

The old man begins to chant, then looks up to the sky. He pulls out a book. A wooden book with a very strong bind. It's held up only with forestry elements. I close my eyes for a second. The old man continues to chant then hum. I then see lightning from the skies, and into his eyes.

"Look onto this daylight sky."

I start seeing images of my past life. Of my love and of my family. Recollections of love, admirations and a simpler moment. I put my hand out wishing to touch these moments again. Tears fall, I get to my knees and sob. I smell the dirt moistened by nature's waters.

"Am I dead?"

"From what I see, you're alive. Why else would you have come to my tree? I am guardian of the tree of life."

"Well I wish for forgiveness. My path has taken me too far. I just wish to be home."

"Well homes gradually are constructed. We make a home with what we intend to bring. Peace is straightforward, it amounts to enough. Treason is deadening, twists to pierce and hurt."

"Please, my sorrow is immense. I just want to live and heal."

"Then rest I can provide. Come into my home and sleep."

The boy accepts. He goes to the old man's home and sleeps for a day. Recollections are dreamt. Vivid with sediments, his heart sleeps. Tears wet his cheeks, the dampening waters of his agony.

The next day, he was allowed to stay.

"Well, I must tell you, I am a wizard. I master alchemy. Fate has brought you here with reason. You are lost."

The boy deafens for a moment. A wizard is a magician. What do I lack? He thinks of money, necessity and home. He feels tired from aimless walks. Aches he receives with not much obtained. Then he thinks of the book. Maybe the book has all the answers. The solutions to be revealed.

It dawns him, he must see inside the book. He must get it from the old man.

"Sir, can I see your book?"

"No fellow. This book is mine. For only my eyes. I constructed it with my powers. Many of which I have. Now rest for today. I feel it is peace you search."

The boy was allowed to rest. He wondered about the book and where it was kept. That when the old man ventures out. He silently follows the old man, into a spare room. He hides into the shadows. The old man has a library of wooden books, has flasks with liquids and plants stored. He hears the old man leave. The door closes, the boy desperately runs to open the book. He opens both of the binds apart. Light shines out and the book speaks.

"Who has opened this book?"

" I have. I wander with an empty heart with no meaning to understand. Love, i desire. To be rich is a dream. A home I long for."

Destiny has gifts for the heart. But it's pain that makes you appreciate them. Your arrogance leaves you deaf. You're in your ways to only please yourself. Look out, the wind brings a calling and direction. Listen to the leaves of this tree. Let go of the world, some materials just don't sustain. Shadows come to blind. The unforeseen can fool."

The boy stands with the book in surprise. Shuts it close and analyzes the room. Then, he sees the potions. Some are pink, red, green or clear. Curiosity flickers, could a potion be the solution? He picks up a light verdant potion, this one must change me. It will bring me death or another world..

He drinks it. He stomach turns. His eyes shut.

He wakes up to another tree. A small stout tree. It is a tree that offers money and coins. The boy's eyes widen with joy. He died to be rich! The tree speaks:

"Money in abundance I have granted you. Do as you wish.."

The boy start thinking of all his desires that can be bought. Things he uses to forget discomfort. He wants it all, since lately he hasn't had much. Then, it pins on him, it all feels like he did earlier, only his empty sorrow. Then it must be Love he needs?

"Tree, buy a potion for Love."

"Unfortunately, I do not bear fruits of love. I am only a money tree."

At that point, this tree starts to seem dry to the boy. Only money, no love it can grant. A home, I can physically buy but only for me alone. He thinks. Where else could he go?

He starts to walk. He sees a stream near by. Looks at his face in the waters, touches the water, he washes his face. It hits him. Materialism looks good and a substance can change you to forget. But it doesn't heal my longing. The boy spots another tree, on the other side of the stream. He decides to swim over, and speak to this new tree.

He makes it there.

"Oh wise tree, I found salvation under you. Met a wizard and found a potion. You brought me immense money. Yet my heart is lousy. What can heal this sorrow? Does anyone love me?"

"Love is my fruit but I'm tender and delicate. I can be long lasting but it takes sacrifice, actions from your being. It's to think of another. It's also to listen, because love speaks for good.

"Can I have a fruit?"

"With time I can give. But for now I'll comfort you with shade. Please rest. I will oversee your being. "

The boy sleeps. Dreams about a home with a cozy bed. A simple hole, where it all seems easy. He awakens. He sees a beautiful girl in front of him.

"Hello. I am Love. Sent from feathers from a far. Your pain is a burden to me. I shall fly with you. These woods have become a meadow with your goodwill. The water carries fish and trees can build your home. With love construct; for it is free. I am your guiding light.

The boy smiles at this. His heart jumps. I can make it! Oh thank the old wizard, for his alchemy has reached a resolution. My burden will balance; I'll walk steady upon a straight plank. A new road will open to brave onward. I thank the wisdom of the bare trees. I have hope. I have become alive.

The End.

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