

What is success?
There are various answers to this question of which all maybe true to you but wrong to others.
Success to all of us has a very personal meaning..Not one laid down by our parents for us but what is success to you as an individual..
I am a young Zambian man and like many African children the definition of success that is bestowed upon us by our parents is that of academic excellence,get your degree and get a good paying job or maybe your in my pickle financial freedom,weath management and riches...Maybe your definition of success is that of a spiritual nature,finding one's self and being at piece or maybe live a life of selflessness and servitude to others...
I personally think success is having attained set goal short or long term..
I maybe a failure in your books but not in mine because the story I'm writing or the journey through life I'v chosen is very different from yours and you too maybe a failure in my eyes.
Work and stride for your personal success...
© chilufyawanchinga