

Submission by Moonlight
The moon rises. The world disappears. It slips in to a world of dreams. A realm long forgotten. My time with the sun was fleeting. It has transformed from friend to acquaintance. And now, a dangerous stranger. One to be avoided. And so I do. I am only safe when the world briefly dies. I can run free through the moon beams. Unafraid of what may stalk from behind the darkness. Enveloped in the stars as the moon leads the way.

I follow the path it clears. An obedient subject in the nights Kingdom. I dance with its mysteries. Enslaved by the rhythm of its silence. It claims me, body and soul. I am at its mercy as it grips my waist. Twirling me at will.

Together we are a moving work of art. A master and his most prized and loved possession. And yet both my mind and body are willing to submit.

Following his steps as we rise skyward, gazing in awe at the beauty of the night time heavens. The stars waver at the ripples formed from my hand. A liquid sky.

The night closes around us, cradling our dancing forms as we waltz around the moon. Time flows with us as the moon begins to sink from the sky, placing us gently upon the ground. We wisp through the trees as the day chases. And my protector leads me to a place the day cannot touch me.

He places me gently in to my bed, gracing me with a kiss upon my brow, allowing me to slip in to a dream. I remain there until the sun runs in cowardice once more from the world in which I truly belong.

My eyes flutter open to the sigh of my masters extended hand and I swiftly take hold. I am whisked away in submission to the night once more. And once again, surrounded by moonlight, the dance continues as if it had never been interrupted.

This is the cycle of my soul. A soul, with a heart, that will only ever truly answer to a single being. His name is Night, and I am his.