

Henry's Confession of His Crimes
Hello. I am Henry. And I'm being arrested. I don't have much time, so I'll leave it up to whoever finds this log to write my story. Just find the compartment along the spine of the journal and... there you go.

Henry was an apprentice to the great Gizruth the Mechanosmith. The trainee had medium length hair that often stuck straight up. It was naturally brown, but copper and rusted iron flakes blew into it so often it sometimes appeared red. His face was unremarkable, aside from his striking blue eye that pierced through the streaks of grease and grime on his face. His other eye was often hidden behind a telescopic monocle, but when removed, one could see a mechanical eye, with a yellow iris and a pupil like a crosshair. He wasn't a very big boy, standing at 5'9 and weighing only 120 pounds, but he made up for his small size with his unnatural speed and intelligence. He had just turned 19, and decided that today would be the day he rewrote history. He would give a mecha a soul. At 11 o'clock that night, the young boy stood on top of the roof of the Scrapyard, a mask covering his face, his mecha boots adding several inches to his height, and his armor making him look much larger than he was. He kicked a hole in the roof and dropped into the building, pointing his chronogun at the security guard. His mask altered his voice, making it deeper and mechanical. "You're gonna get me the highest quality parts you've got for a humanoid mecha, and you're going to do it right fucking now." As the guard shoved the parts into a containment cube, Henry shot him in the shoulder. "Those parts are shit, I can tell. Elaine deserves only the best." The guard shouted and drew a pistol, firing at Henry. The apprentice rose a hand and froze the bullets in time. "Parts, in the cube, NOW." The guard dropped his weapon and started to pick out the best parts he could see. "Y-you're a chronomancer..." the chronogun clicked as it finished charging, and Henry lifted it again. "You know too much now. I'd suggest you hurry, unless you want me to leave you with alot more than a wiped memory." The security guard quickly tossed as many parts as he could in the cube and threw it at Henry, trying to escape. Suddenly, he was grabbed and dragged in front of the frozen bullets. Henry froze the man's shoes in place, then released the suspended rounds. The boy stepped out of the shop, looking down to make sure his boots were strapped on. When he was satisfied, he jumped, letting the thrusters in them carry him to Gizruth's workshop. To his surprise, he could hear voices inside. The deep, booming voice of his master, and the formal speech and metallic voice of Gizruth's mecha, Stanley.