

chapter 1 pharmakeia
On some shity day, in some shity year, I sat there with a shity attitude because the governmet had altered my state of consciousness, purposefully! I didn't know that then, but I damn sure know that now! because you see I was experiencing withdrawal from amphetamines that my parents were forced to make me take at the age of 9…… anyway I had to go to SCHOOL, and I won't feeling it…
" I'm not going to fucking school today if my medicine filled
I proclaimed!" my mother said, as any mother would "yes you the fuck are young man"
It would be on this shity day I'd make a shity decision solely because my prescription could not be filled this should happen before I couldn't remember the symptoms but the damn sure were some.. I remember someone in my family having something similar happening and saying something to the effect of Aunt Judy (my beautiful mother) got something that helps that…. That's all I remember about that the next thing I remember I was headed up the steps to find those motherfukers I'm lying to myself and others saying I just didn't want to feel shity but thinking back I had been abusing inhalants such a butane and other aerosols and had dad rule psychedelic diphenhydramine trips so my intentions weren't clear … what is clear however is me seeing a little round clay jar with a cork top...