

Can't live to die.
Write a short story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.

It was early dawn at about 2:am in the morning, yet I felt tied up on my bed. I couldn't move a muscle, left alone speak.
I heard that witches and demons tie people up at night in order to weaken their spirit. But of this I was dubious which made me indecisive of the situation at hand.

Still bedridden, I recovered from my unconscious self. I tried my best to move the muscles in my mouth in order to utter a word, but it was a total waste of time. It was hard to speak, and I could not swallow my saliva.

This was the moment I believed that evil forces were at work and I had to do something about it. I tried so hard, and with all the strength I could sum up in my body, there was only one name that came out of my mouth. Then I whispered undauntedly and oblivious to the power at work in the one name


the more I whispered, the more I felt loose. This was a strange experience to me and I wanted knowing why such evil always happen in the dark.

Early the next morning, before breakfast, I brushed my teeth and I had a glimpse of what I dreamt about before I woke up.

I stood on what looked like a mountain cliff and I felt a force, unknown to me like that of gravity, push me down as I rolled through the precipice. I thought to land safe but it got worse. I was no longer on a mountain anymore, I was falling down in a hole that seemed to have no bottom and this terrified me. The whole place was covered in thick darkness and the only light I could see was black.

Afraid in a virtual reality, I felt a wave of neurons flowing rapidly all through my body, and this began to get real. My whole life appeared to me in a flash, but this wasn't the way things were meant to end. I couldn't die this way, no and never. Right before I fell still feeling wavy movements of my body cells, I saw it, the bottom of the abyss, and I was only few meters away from the ground. My eyes opened wide filled with fear, and just when I thought my life would be over as I was now a hundred feet from the floor, I woke.

This was one of the darkest dream I've ever had in my entire life, and I knew that no one saved me but the Lord God almighty. The worst nightmare I've ever had as a growing child.

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