

"And in 1990" Once upon a Mama... Once upon a daughter... Ep12
Doyin arrived in Lagos, she was still in the vehicle when Abímbólá called her,
"Where are you? Are you there?" She asked.
"Yes grandma, we've arrived in Lagos, infact we are driving into the car park right now." Doyin told her Grandmother.
"Oh, Thank God... You have to take a cab to her place, hope you remember the address?" Abímbólá asked.
Doyin laughed, "Ofcourse, I do... Don't worry, the vehicle just stopped and I will call you when I see her ."
"Okay, God bless you my dear... Take care, I will call you to know if you've find her." Abímbólá said.
"Thank you Grandma, Don't worry hmmmm?" Doyin ends the call after.

She came down from the vehicle and wait for the driver to bring her bags. The driver, gave her bags to her and she carried them to the roadside.

While on the roadside, Titi called her to know where she is. She was talking to Titi when she find a young man beside her, smiling.
"Hi" he said.
"Good afternoon." Doyin said and continue her conversation with Titi.
"Thank you ma'am... Don't worry I will get a cab very soon." And she end the call.
She look back at the young man and she greets "Good afternoon, I'm sorry I was..."
"No I understand, you are just coming in to Lagos, right, I can see your bags." He said.
"Yes, I'm coming from Ibadan, and I will be here till I end my service." She said.
"Wow, you are lucky, well, I and my friend came here to pick one of our friends." He said.
Doyin smiled but she was tired.
"I'm sorry but I have to leave... The vehicle I board broke down when we are coming and it took a while before it was fixed... And now, I'm really tired... I have to go, I'm sorry." She said.
"Okay... No problem. And may I know your name? He asked.
"Doyin." She said.
"I'm Dayo." He said to Doyin.
"Okay...I have to go, Thank you." Doyin said as she leave and board a cab. She waved at Dayo, who was still standing.

Dayo walked back to his friend, Kola who was sitting in his car.
Dayo and Kola came to the car pack to pick their friend who is just coming. Kola is getting married that weekend.
He entered the car and sit.

"Who is she?" Kola asked Dayo.
"Who? That girl?" Dayo asked, "I don't know her but... I like her."
"Okay... good for you...And did you get her name?" Kola asked.
"I did... Doyin." Dayo said.
"Her number?" Kola asked.
"I didn't... I could..." Dayo was still speaking when Kola interupt him as he laugh. "I trust Dotun... He will get it."
"That one... You know him... Call him let's know where he is." Dayo told Kola.

Kola dialed Dotun's line and asked where he is, the two talked for a while and later Kola end the call.
"Where is he?" Dayo asked.
Kola told Dayo, "He said he will be here very soon."
Another vehicle entered the car park, and passengers were coming out of it. The two friends saw their friends and came out of the car to meet him.

The three friends exchange greetings. They were happy to see him as they lead him to the car and Kola drives the car to his house.

Titi was at home waiting for Doyin. When she arrived, she was welcomed. Titi is a very nice woman. She quickly called Aduke and told her, her daughter is now with her. Aduke thanked her for her generosity.
Doyin also called her mum and her grandmother. Abímbólá was happy and thanked Titi. Titi lead Doyin to her room.

Dayo can't stop thinking about Doyin.
Kola, Dayo and Dotun were discussing, they have lot to talk about, after sometime, Dayo told Kola that he need to see his Aunty.
"You've tried... Since Tuesday." Kola said.
"You've been here since Tuesday?" Dotun asked in disbelief.
"Yes... I told." Dayo replied.
"Wow... And I'm just coming on Thursday." Dotun said.
Dayo replied him " You will continue from where I stopped... I haven't seen Aunty and if Aunty knows I'm in Lagos and didn't come to her..."
Kola interrupt " That's a big trouble." As he laughs at Dayo.
"Now you understand... I will sleep over at her place, you know she will never allow me to leave her place today... But I will join you tomorrow." Dayo told Kola and Dotun.
"You are free.... Thank you very much bro... You are just..." Kola was still talking when Dotun cut in.
"And I'm here now." Dotun said.
"What can you do? You don't know what Dayo had done... We were going everywhere together to be sure everything is going as planned." Kola replied.
Dayo called his Aunty and told her, one of his friends is getting married and he is coming to her house.
After he end the call, the three friends continue their discussion.

It was late in the evening when Dayo arrived in his Aunty's house. Titi is Dayo's Aunty.

Titi's husband, Mr. Olaitan just arrived home when Dayo also arrived.
Titi welcome the two as they enters. Dayo and Olaitan were exchanging greetings. "This a surprise... She didn't tell me you are coming."
"I just want to make it a surprise, Dayo said as he laughs, I came for a friend wedding."
"Because I know if you are coming here you would have called her, so how was your trip?" Olaitan asked.
"It was great, and how was work today sir?" Dayo asked.
The two men enters and Titi meet them.
"Great and stressful but we thank God." Olaitan said as he laughs.
Titi welcome the two men and exchange greetings.
"And where is our guest?" Olaitan asked.
"You have a guest?" Dayo asked.
"Yes... One of my friends daughter is to serve in Lagos and she is staying with me till she end her service, she is in her room." Titi said.
"I will leave you two... I need to rest." Olaitan said as he leaves, leaving Dayo and Titi.
"Why did you called me this afternoon, when you are coming... You should have called earlier." Titi said.
"I'm sorry Aunty, it's Kola's wedding and I have to be there." Dayo said.
"Which Kola... That same Kola?... Your friend? and you didn't tell me about it?" Titi asked.
"I'm sorry Aunty." He smiled and continue "How have you been doing? You are looking beautiful." He said.
"It's God grace, my son." She said.
Doyin walked in from her room and saw Dayo and Titi.
Titi saw her and introduced Dayo to Doyin.
"He is my nephew.. he is just coming from Port Harcourt, Dayo." Titi turns to Dayo "She is our guest, Doyin, One of my friends daughter." She said.
Doyin and Dayo were looking at each other and Doyin was thinking "this guy is a great liar, how can he lie to his Aunty that he is just arriving in Lagos?"
Dayo felt embarrassed, he should have just tell his Aunty the truth, she won't bite him.
Doyin and Dayo exchange greetings and act like they've never met before.

To be continued...

Photo credit: dreamstime.com

© Anu Ola