

Precious Gift
Once a boy is walking on street,he is watching a stopped car and everyone only doing their work, the owner of the car came out of his house and watch that the child is watching his car ,he went to the child and ask - Why are you watching my car ? The child replied - There is something in the opened car . The owner said - the car is not opened . The child said - go and watch that the car is opened or not . The owner run toward the car and he see that really the gate of the car is unlocked . The owner take out the bag which is in the car . He said to the child - Do you know what this bag have ? Child replied i don't know . The owner opened the bag and said - see this is my mother's chain , and this is precious gift for me. If i will lose it so could not be sorry for my self , speak what you want ? The child replied - i don't want anything in the prize to save the chain because chain is of your mother and there is no amount of mother's gift . So it is precious .