

The two roses
To God Almighty.
Chapter 1
The Oshowo Secondary school stood in the middle of Ogun State as believed by all. The school was many's wish, but only few had the opportunity to attend. Sylvia rolled her bag to the door and some minutes later, the bus arrived. She bid her parents farewell, and joined the bus. Carla on her part, got ready and joined the bus. In a jiffy, they arrived the school and an orientation was held for all the new students, after which, they were assigned their dormitories.
A room contained six beds, four toilets, and a television. Carla, Sylvia, Serina, Veronica, Rita and Jordan were assigned to the same room, for each room was for six students. After a tour, and after the new students settled, the bell rang for dinner. There was no rushing, as all were expected to behave orderly. After the meal, they all retired to bed. The next day, classes were assigned to them. Lucky enough, Carla and Sylvia fell into the same branch of Jss1. Within the first term, they became good freinds. They read and ate together. They were egg heads (intelligent brains) of the school who went for external competitions and came back with trophies and different awards. Their relationship and brilliantness made them popular in the school. Their bond grew, even to their parents knowledge, making the two families to come together and patner in a business.
Chapter 2
Serina grew jealous of the roses, so decided to destroy both using one. She was able to sike Sylvia, telling her that Carla was only a spoiler and will never do her good. Carla noticed Serina and Sylvia got close and Sylvia now avoided her. It was very unusual and Carla confronted Sylvia about it. “Why aren't you talking to me anymore”she asked her one evening. Sylvia ignored her and walked away. In school, Sylvia stopped doing things with Carla and most times served as trouble to her, by making scenes.
On one occasion, Carla came out best overall and Sylvia spread a rumour that she partook in examination malpractice. It was very viral and many began to hate and lack trust in Carla, in a including Mrs Davis, Sylvia s aunt, who was the principal. Carla now only had Veronica as a friend. She was the only one who believed in her and consoled her any time she felt hurt by what Sylvia was doing.
“Dear, I noticed that Sylvia doesn't visit any longer.” Lilly asked her child one evening after dinner.
Carla told her everything and how Sylvia turned towards her. She adviced her to keep being good at all times.
Things became worse, when Sylvia's parents and Carla's father died on a business trip. Sylvia blamed Carla for their death, which made Mrs Davis hate her more. The environment never became conducive for Carla any longer, as all saw her as a witch. She complained to her mother, who pulled her out to another school immediaetly.
Chapter 3
Carla entered the University successfully. Unfortunately, she met with Sylvia again. She tried becoming friends, but Sylvia didn't give her a chance as Serina deceived her more.
She kept on being wicked to her.
Jerry, a final year student of the same University, fell so much in love with Carla.
He became her so dear friend and they began going on outings and spending time together.
Jerry formally was dating Sylvia, before he met Carla., when Sylvia noticed he left her for Carla, she became so angry and lay on Serina for advise.
“Dont you think you should cook up a pregnancy story?”
“I thought so, and that's what I'll do.” she finalised. As planned, Jerry fell for the pregnancy trick.
He had to marry Sylvia, but even though that, he kept on visiting Carla.
“Mum, I'm so confused, Jerry just proposed to me and I love him but Sylvia is already his first wife.” Carla complained to her mother. “My dear, follow your spirit, marry him, for love is blind.” Lilly said.
Carla accepted Jerry's proposal and married him, as the second wife. It was not easy for Carla.
She was being assaulted and
insulted by Sylvia. As her mother advised, she never stopped being good and kept on enduring all the pain. Sooner, she became pregnant and Jerry was so happy. He threw a party in respect of the unborn child.
Chapter 4
“Noooo, open your eyes Sylvia, that woman's child is going to take over yours, So be wise.” Serina advised.
“But what should I do?”
“Kill her.”
“Thats very true h true, and I'm going to do it. ”
Carla walked into the kitchen to take some food, she was presently in pains and was very hungry. Fron behind, Sylvia walked in and stabbed her forcefully with a knife and she fell to the ground. She stood there trembling like a leaf, she could not believe what she had just done. Jerry walked in immediately , he alerted the vorps to arrest Sylvia and rushed Carla to a clinic.
It was too late as she was already confirmed dead, although, the babies ce out safely. They were twins, which made Jerry feel the loss more. Jerry filed a case against Sylvia. She had no one on her side as Serina even brought evidence that she was Carla's killer. She had no option but to give up . She surrendered herself and confessed to Jerry that Gabriella was not his true child . Her punishment was to be hunand she fullyg agreed to that. All she wanted was toeet her friend and apologize before going to hellfire.
On the day, she bid farewell to Gabriella and entered the rope herself. She died some minutes later and was buried.
Jerry called the twins Carly and Caloy. He met Veronica whom
was Carla's roommate back in school. He believed he had found love again and began going outings together.
Two years later, he proposed to her . She refused because she thought she was going to be hurting Carla.
After seeking advice from Lilly, she told her to go ahead marrying him. She did and took Gabriella, Carly and Caloy as her own children. Years later, she took in and gave birth to a baby girl, whom she named Carla. They lived happily ever after as one family.
Moral lessons
1. Never be jealous of anyone, or try to hurt another person's feeling.
2. Don't get easily deceived by people.
3. Remember to always be good at all times.

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