

Patient Ch 3

[Running water.] Look at yourself you fuc.......[Looks at mirror.] Bloody God damn nose. [See's blood running down throat.] Seriously why didn't I stop? [Washes away blood.] Look at the mess I'm making. [Looks at bloody porcelain sink.] I got blood on my hands, my face and even the mirror.
You really should have stopped. [A soft kind voice said.]
Hahahaha. Ya you Idiot you should have let ME! take over. [An angry condescending voice argued.]
Oh! Ya! Because your solution of making things "better" is just awesome. [A sarcastic voice said.]
What...what...if we apologize. [An empathic and apologetic voice suggested.]
[The angry voice spoke] NO! NO! NO! Just clean your self up. Pull yourself together stop being a whiny bitch and get in there and just start wailing on that person.
[Rolls eyes and sarcastically says] See what did I tell you? Another great idea by the genius.
[Makes fists.] These have never failed us before. All that other useless crap these morons are suggesting isn't what has kept us from being victimized. [An angry statement.]
[Sighs.] Everyone just calm down. [Cups water in palms and splashes face.] Anger won't solve anything. Just rolling over and apologizing is to easy. Being sarcastic doesn't make anything better.
[In unison the three ask.] So what will you do?
[Grabs paper towels and dried face off.] We are on the second floor I suppose I could throw him out of the window.
[An angry excited voice yelled.] YES! Now your talking!
Great idea. [A slow sarcastic voice said.]
I- [A quite apologetic voice was cut short.]
All right let's go. [Bully Begins to walk back to his classroom.]
[As he walks with the others following behind he recalls the events that led up to now.] I just kept hitting him on the arm over and over. Why? He asked me to stop but I just kept going. What was the reason? He is my friend so why? There has to be a reason beyond me just wanting to be annoying or me wanting to hurt him.
"I know what your thinking that there has to be a reason as to why you cause harm to others. The answer is very simple." [The angry voice said.]
"Oh! I have got to hear this." [The sarcastic voice said.]
"I too would also like to know." [The kind voice said.]
"It's simple. You enjoy causing others pain before they do it to you. Remember those bullies when you were five as they surrounded you and your sister. You felt helpless. What about the time you were dragged through the grass by five other children just because they wanted your money. Then there was the kid who kept throwing rocks at you." [The angry voice spoke with just a hint of sadness.]
"That is surprisingly well put." [This time there was no sarcasm in the voice.]
"Yes." [Said the kind voice with cracking in it.]
"In all those incidents you didn't fight back. You took everything they did to you and bottled it up. That's why now you do this. Out of necessity so you never feel helpless again." [The anger in the voice was rising.]
[The others stayed silent.]
"Your right." [The bully said as he stood in front of the door to the classroom fully having decided to do what he needed.]
"Good now just open the door and let him fly through those windows." [The angry voice said behind laughter.]
[The bully opened the door. Stood in the doorway. He scanned the room for his friend that had punched him. Upon laying his eyes on him however he noticed something eerily similar that they both shared.] "He's scared." [The bully said. He looked at his friend again and saw him getting completely pale as he visibly shook with fear.] "Just like I was all those other times. I can't do this to him."
"WHAT! NO DON'T WUSS OUT. JUST DO IT. THROW HIM OUT." [Rage now had completely consumed the angry voice.]
"No I'm done. I won't hurt anyone again." [The bully said to the rage-filled voice that lunged at him.]
"Grab him." [The sarcastic voice yelled at the kind voice.]
"NO! LET ME GO!" [Rage yelled at the top of his voice.]
"Hold him still." [A Doctor in a white lab coat appeared out of nowhere and commanded the two voices.]
[All three forcibly put a straight jacket onto the angry voice and shot a tranquilizer into him.] "Patient or should I say, bully. We will take the anger away now."
"Thanks." [The bully said.]
"It's what I'm here for. Now go do what you think is right." [The Doctor said.]
[The bully walked into the classroom he could feel everyone's eyes on him. The tension was heavy as they waited to see what would happen. He walked past everyone clenching his fists. He stopped briefly by the desk of his friend that had punched him. He looked down at him and kept walking to take his seat behind his friend. He tapped his friend on the shoulder and saw him jump up.] "We still going to hang after school?" [His friend's including the one that punched him turned around and said hell yeah.]
[The bully snapped out of his memory and stepped back into reality.] "Great out of one messed up memory and back to this hell of reality." [He thought to himself as he saw his boss yelling at yet another meeting to belittle everyone there.]