

Whitmore Mansion
Winter is finally here and the white thick blanket of snow covers everything. The entire of Newbury street was quiet, I had just bought the biggest Mansion at the end of the street. Its tall white pillars and beautiful landscapes caught my attention, but as a owner of a publishing company, I have exquisite taste in luxury houses and cars. Let’s just say being rich had alot of advantages. Many called me Mr.Whitmore, but to family I’m just Richard Jacob Whitmore.
The house across from us, had the most welcoming neighbour Kelly Williams. She was a curious yet complicated woman. December 4th was a day I'd never forget. We had just arrived in Boston and as we scroll through the thick plush of snow, we began to slowly look around at our new home. While looking around, I noticed Kelly stood at her window as she lurked through the thin curtains, as she watches us entering the most beautiful mansion in the neighbourhood.
My family and I were from Sicily Italy but we spoke and understood English very well . All the neighbours were curious to see who bought the biggest estate in Newbury street. Rumours go around the neighbourhood of the Whitmore family, moving in today. To us its just another house in another big city, the Whitmore mansion.
I pulled up in front the huge iron gates that sealed off the entrance and the artistic iron fence that wraps around the property reflected how safe and secure the house was. I got out from my black Range rover and as I stepped out into the cold snow, I rubbed my hands together to keep warm. I walked towards the gates with the keys to unlock my new home. I turn the key and remove the lock, but somehow I felt like I was being watched.
I drove in the gates with my family and parked in the driveway. It was so cold and as I came out the car I noticed Kelly was making her way towards us. She had a small brown basket that was filled with cookies and cheap champagne that she wanted to give us as a welcoming gift to Newbury street. My twin brother Jimmy Whitmore, exited the car and noticed her as well.
“Hi. I’m Kelly Williams I live across street, welcome to Newbury hope you guys like it here.”
I wasn’t a person who spoke much but I did the best I could and introduced her to my family.
“Hey. I’m Richard Whitmore, this is my brother Jimmy that’s Davenport and my mom and dad and in the next car my sister and her boyfriend Nate.”
Kelly was absolutely shocked that I spoke English so well, she smiled and as she shaked my hand I could tell she was interested in me.
“Hi. Nice to meet all of you, it’s such a pleasure to have you here.”
I looked at her with my devilish green eyes, that gave her the impression that I was interested to but in my mind I was just bluffing. As she walked out the driveway my younger brother Davenport, shaked his head and laughed in disbelief since he knew I was a wild and disrespectful person.
“You got to stop playing games brother.”
I have to admit I was a bit offended, but I didn’t let it bother me. I walked towards the gate and locked them behind me. You see, my family and I wasn’t the regular average type of family to spend holidays and special moments together. We were all in the military, our house was filled with secrets and things we were not proud of. My twin brother Jimmy who is now 29 was medical veteran and my younger brother Davenport, had just got out of aviation training. Davenport was only 24 when he became a certified professional pilot. My sister Serena had just turned 20 and had started college, her boyfriend Nate always stuck around and was a complete jerk. Our parents, William and Miranda Whitmore would keep track of my newly built publishing company that I recently purchased. I had a passion for writing and reading. Jimmy and I shared similar desires and experiences as well as expectations. We were identical twins and it was very complicated to tell us apart sometimes.
Unlike Davenport, he loved the sky. He was more outdoorsy and outspoken. He spoke his mind and never let emotions corrupt his mind. Sometimes his style and appearance are very different from us, his blonde highlights attracted alot of attention and his calm attitude always seemed professional, in other words Mr. Perfect.
Under the Black Jeans and white t-shirt, with a leather jacket over his built shoulders, I saw Davenport as a very ambitious guy.
The next morning, I woke up to the sunlight in my eyes, as the cold air sneaked in the half cracked window. With the silk sheets covering me half way, I laid lazy in bed as I opened my eyes to a new day. Just then my phone rang. It was my girlfriend Rosetta, I smiled and answered the phone in excitement to hear her voice.
“Hello...good morning babe!”
My eyes widen as I heard the sound of my girlfriend screaming on the other side of the line. I began to panic and I immediately start shouting on the phone.
The call was immediately cut which got me more scared. I got out of bed and rushed down the stairs to inform my family. Rosetta was also a militant, her father Miller Fanandiez was the general that we take orders from. I ran downstairs into the kitchen only to find my family all gathered for breakfast. They looked at me concerned as I was worried explaining the phone call I got. Jimmy immediately called our base to find out if she was there. Unfortunately she wasn’t, I was losing my mind and the first thing I did was calling her father and letting him know what had happened. He gave my brothers and I strict orders and commands to follow. His instructions were to find his daughter and bring her home. Like every solider we were clothed in green camouflage uniforms, with guns and ammunition strapped on our backs and legs. The only thing I could think about was finding Rosetta. We were putting military equipment into my black ranger rovers when I noticed Kelly crossing the street.
She walked across the street with an apple pie as an excuse to see what was happening. Kelly would monitor every moment we made and she would question everything we did. She was a very curious but annoying.
"Hi...rich!...I made an extra pie so I wanted you guys to have it."
I didn’t want to be rude, so I accepted the pie. Looking at me, she smiles and came closer to me as she hand over the apple pie. I decided to thank her.
"Thanks Kelly how thoughtful."
My brothers walked out the house with the remaining bags and it was time to leave when Kelly noticed we were dressed in military uniforms. She was about to ask when I cut her short.
"Sorry Kelly I wish I could talk but we’re kind of busy at the moment.”
Like every nosey neighbour, she still went on to ask where we were going. I just bent my head and told her we’re going on a trip. Davenport decided to hurry me up.
“Rich! Come on we’re late let’s go!”
After hearing that, Kelly finally left and went back to her house. I drove out the gates with a worried mind and stressful thoughts. My brothers knew how much Rosetta meant to me. It was visible that I couldn’t function without her. Less than a 2 hours we arrived at the base, where we received locations and maps as to where we would find Rosetta. Miller was just as worried as I was and he trusted me to find his daughter. She was held by a Russian terrorist. Unfortunately I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I would have done anything to have her back.
She was held in a chemical laboratory in Boston, but the laboratory was stationed on top of a mountain which we had to climb to get there without being seen. Tugging on the ropes as we made our up the mountain covered in snow and ice, I spot a way in. The door seemed open which was an easy access into the building. There were 6 six guards and the moment they saw us they began shooting at us.
The bullets flew over my head and I was getting nervous as I reload my firearm and returned fire with intent to kill. I shouted to my brother to in sure their safety.
They used hand signals and moved towards the open door. Davenport entered first killing a security guard that tried to shoot him, as jimmy and I followed we came to a narrow iron staircase that lead underneath the laboratory. I told my brothers to split up to cover more ground in order to find her faster. This was supposed to be an extraction a simple rescue mission but we had no idea what was about to happen.

To be continued......

© Fanandiez101