In the heart of Hyderabad, amidst the bustling streets and vibrant culture, lived Ravi, a young man who had once dreamt of a promising future. He had excelled in his studies, earned a degree with high hopes, but the city offered him no solace.
Unemployment had engulfed the city, leaving Ravi and many others stranded without opportunities. He scoured every corner for a job, but every door seemed bolted shut. His qualifications and skills were overshadowed by the sheer magnitude of applicants and the scarcity of openings.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. With no income,...
Unemployment had engulfed the city, leaving Ravi and many others stranded without opportunities. He scoured every corner for a job, but every door seemed bolted shut. His qualifications and skills were overshadowed by the sheer magnitude of applicants and the scarcity of openings.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. With no income,...