

death of humanity

The bus collided with a parked car. There was a baby boy of around five years old. His mother left him inside the car as she was in rush to buy some stuffs from the supermarket nearby. She was supposed to come back in a while but due to long queue she couldn't return timely. The boy was badly injured and screaming for the help. Many people saw him. Some were busy in taking video.Some were busy in taking pictures. some others were pretending as they didn't see anything and just walked away.
The boy was helpless. He couldn't breathe and tried to shout in lower voice for water. But who cares!
Slowly he became unconscious.

His mother rushed to him with screaming and almost became mad. She asked the crowd to get an emergency health service but its already late.
Everyone won. The boy was no more. The death of humanity!
© nnamuss