

Talking to death
It's fiction, it's not real, a creation that occurred to me when i was sitting alone in front of the garden.


It's midnight, and i had drunk too much, I came home tired, my feet were heavy and my vision was failing a bit, but somehow I felt fine, without any worries about anything or anyone...

I went in and took a seat in the living room, I was planning to sleep there, I didn't want to go up the stairs.

I lay down and after a few minutes I felt nauseous, so i got up and rushed to the bathroom, it was like twenty meters away.

I washed my face and rinsed my mouth, I felt like shit and I got the idea to swear not to drink too much again, like all people who got very drunk at some time.

I went back to the room and took a seat.
I saw a man sitting watching me, he had no face and a dark and gloomy appearance. For some reason I didn't feel afraid so I faced it.

-Who are you and what are you doing here?
-I am the death...
-No fucking way, you are death- i answered sarcastically

He said nothing and was just silent.
-Well my friend, i don't think i have little life left for you to come here.
-I'm not coming for you-he said
-Are you here for someone else?
- I'm not here for anyone right now.

I leaned back, it was a little warm and I felt sick, I didn't think that was real, so I carried on with the talk.
-Since you are here,i would like to ask you a question.

I start to think of good question and this one came up.

-Why do people commit suicide?- i asked.

-That's easy... Because they are tired, because they are brave, if they were cowards they wouldn't do it.
And because they believe that dying is the
best of breaks-he replied

-I understand, they are brave and all that shit.
I was satisfied with the answer and i didn't want to ask more, in fact i couldn't think of any other questions at the time.

-And you are brave?- he asked.
-Oh no, I don't think i am, i'd rather live cowardly than die as brave...

-And why that?- he asked

-Well, those brave ones are not remembered in that way, in fact the rest believe that they are the most cowardly...

-Undoubtedly, now I'm leaving, I'm late...
there is another brave man who took a break, he seems to be the bravest so far...
-What a break- i replied

I woke up the next morning on the floor without energy, i discovered that I had fallen asleep when i came back from the bathroom.
-That was a very fucked up dream, i told to miself- and went to the bathroom again.
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