

ladys when you feel lost think
think of how uou can make life better
you are stuck here for a little while

the best things you can do
are invole yourelf
in things you believe in

like health
like wealth
and beauty

take this afvice from this queen….

she says to the kings
what do you want
they both answered a good queen

how will i when i feel used
she asked
they said well we aregoing to make you

she thought that sounds like love
so she she smiled
and said i love you borh

thinking was her favorite thing
when she thought
she found her fondest answers

she said what about the other king
they knew what she meant
and she looked up for an answer

they said sternly
stay away from him
so she did

but she was confused
why cant there be 3 kings
she said i love him

and you gius would to
but then she bowed
to herself

and said never love
it only leaves scars
what if a soul wasnt made for those scars

they started talking
and said a spirit would
and leave that side of yourself

she thought
o no how did they hear me
she said maybe they do know me

better than
i know my own self
she gasped

and told her self as secretly as she could
just be cute
theyll give you what ever you want

they loved her
she loved them
© gk