

The Era of Damnation. ( Part 1 ) #5
Part 1
Chapter 5

Back at the Cavern..

Gamur starts to wake up from a deep sleep, as this one had passed out on the end of the last chapter, he was having a massive headache, when suddently, he remembers everything that happened, is panic, he quickly tries to get up but Sarvia stops him, she has been taking care of him all this time.

" !.. Sarvia.. Pirblitz! " - Said Gamur in panic as this one tries to get up again.

Sarvia quickly stops him again, now smilling at Gamur.

" He is fine, you saved him, it's okay, he will be ready to go in a few days. " - Says Sarvia smilling once again to Gamur, Sarvia was part of the healing department, it was her job to take care of sick and hurt Alberdors.

" Oh.. thank the Elders.. " - Gamur said now laying down in a more confterble position.

" And the loot? The Behmoth? " - Gamur asked now looking at Sarvia.

" Kui arrived with you two on his arms, he then got help to go get the loot, it was a success.. you guys.. KILLED A FRICKING BEHMOTH, YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! " - Said Sarvia completely changing mood on the worrying situation like a kid.

" ! D-dont yell please.. my head hurts.. but yah.. I guess we did. " - Said now Gamur in releaf, now closing his eyes trying to rest his head.

After a few hours, Gamur was ready to leave, he asks to Sarvia about where Pirblitz was, he was on the other side of the medical department, he heads there and rapidly notices Pirblitz on one of the beds, he goes to him and sits on the edge of the bed where he was laying down, as he does this Pirblitz wakes up and looks at Gamur.

" Heh.. Hello there buddy.. how are ya?.. " - Asks Gamur to Pirblitz worried.

" Heh, I'll live, don't worry.. thanks for saving me Gamur. " - He says now sitting on the bed as well, as he does, Gamur quickly notices Pirblitz back.. this one extremely messed up, the armor completely shattered, only some pieces remaining, 70% of the armor had to be removed, as this one actually ended up penetrating the skin from such a massive impact, wounding the back and leaving it full of scars, this usually doesn't happen, as the armor is extremely maleable, but in this specific situation, the impact penetrated the armor inwards, causing it to tear the skin itself.

( Note: The armor isn't something that they wear, its something that grows with them, it's part of their biology, a way of protection, having no armor on the body is almost a death sentace to this species, the armor actually saved Pitblitz, if this one didn't had it during that fight, he would'nt have been wounded, he would end up dead. )

" Heh, no problem, we are Alberdors, we save each other right? " - Said now Gamur smilling to Pirblitz, as this one gets up.

" You should rest buddy, we need you out there, we need you with us, you are important for us, stay alive. " - Says Gamur now leaving the medical department, as Pirblitz smiles and lays down on the bed again.

Just outside the medical department, Kui was waiting for Gamur, when Gamur notices him, Kui smiles and greets him, they both then walk to cafeteria to talk while eating.

They both gets some food, ironically enouth, it's Behmoth meat, the hunt was worth it after all, they sit on one of the available tables, ans start talking about the hunt, they actually hunted a behmoth and survived, that was a giant achievement for the species, as this was very rare to happen.

" So, you checked on Pirblitz huh? " - Asked Kui while smiling to Gamur.

" Yah, he seems to be doing fine I think, he is strong, he will make it. " - Says Gamur now taking a sip of his Zario juice, juice from a fruit of the region.

" Heh, I think so too... Hey, what happened for you to pass out suddently? " - Asked Kui curious about the fact that Gamur passed out after using the Uthorium stone to heal Pirblitz.

" Oh! uh.. I dont really know.. I think the stone ran out of energy and it started to use mine instead, thankfully it didn't drain me completly.. " - He said a bit worried about this.

" Mmh, I see, well, Thankfully it didn't harm you. " - Kui said in relief, now starting to eat his food, and so did Gamur.

A few minutes later, both had finished eating, and as Gamur had stayed the whole evening sleeping, it alredy night time, they headed for the resting quarters and tried to sleep.. but Gamur couldn't, he just couldn't fall asleep, probably because he slept all evening.

In the middle of the night atleast 3 hours later when everyone was alredy sleeping, Gamur starts to hear a voice coming from afar, this one echoing throughout the underground corridors and rooms, he quickly gets up confused.

" What is that voice?.. " - He asked to himself, tired yet unable to sleep, his head still hurting.

He followed the voice, leaving the resting rooms and walking through the corridors in search of the voice, as he does this, he eventually arrives at the doors of the cave, where two guards were protecting it, Gamur knew it came from outside, like something was calling him, he makes his way to the guards, when he notices that the guards were actually frozen in time.

" What in the name of the Elders..? " - Said Gamur extremely confused, this one now opening the doors not questioning it, starting to walk through the woods in search of the voice, this one guided Gamur like a smell guided a dog.

Gamur eventually makes his way into a giant Uthorium gem in the middle of some plains of grass, this one glowing in the dark like neon, spreading its energy onto the air and ground.

As Gamur aproches, the grass starts to glow on the same color as the Gem, a light blue, shining and illuminating the space all around the plains, Gamur aproches slowly as the voice continues to guide him, he could now understand the voice, it was a light melody, a sort of female one, he gets closer and closer to the gem, now just a few meters far from it, he stops to anylise what was happening, keeping his guard up.

As reaches his hand to the singing gem, he walks closer, now touches the gem with his fingers, he sudently feels an extreme power through his veins, feeling his mind with memories of the future.

" The Elders are no gods, IT IS YOUR JOB TO DESTROY THEM GAMUR! " - Yelled his own thoughts, screaming at himself, the massive headache getting stronguer and stronguer.

Gamur fliched, now starting to get extremely dizzy, as he does this, he accidently trips on his own, falling head first onto the Uthorium Gem, when he does this.. the gem turns into a liquid like cosistency, but it didn't splatter, it actually absorved Gamur into it, and as this happens, Gamur was gone..

End of Chapter 5.

End of Part 1.

P.s: I hope you all enjoyed the first part of my Story " The Era of Damnation ", It will continue soon so stay tooned!
Have a nice day! 🖤

© Bito_Saiki