

To my past self,
It's okay to be hated.It's doesn't matter when someone calls you ugly or when others think you don't deserve anything good.It's not always your fault.You are perfect and beautiful the way you are.The society will always judge you no matter how hard you try.Don't change yourself for someone.If you want to change yourself then do it only for yourself and nobody else.Don't change yourself so much that oneday even you won't be able to recognize yourself.Stop finding faults in you.It's okay to have pale skin or rough and frizzy hair, it's okay to be a nerd, it's okay to be hated.Love yourself.Don't find love outside,first try to love yourself coz unless you do so no one can love you...no one is perfect.A perfect life doesn't exist.You have to fight if you want something.. giving up is not an option.Hard times come to teach us lessons.If it's hurting too much seeinga. psycologist won't hurt.Seeking professional help doesn't imply that you are mad...not always you can sort out your emotions.People will come in your life for 3 reasons:lesson,reason or for a lifetime.
© @aira-ia