

Street Fighters Pt. 5 That Guy
Today is the registrations of 1on 1 fighters global cup. I have to get their as fast as possible because the registrations will be closed after 9:00 a.m And I have woke up in 8:55 a.m. I have to be swift. After getting ready when I get to the Wrestling stadium entrance where was the regestrations happening. I saw a man with a very angry face. His face was telling that he wants to win the tournament at any cost. He looked at me and said stay out of my way. Then someone shouted my name from my behind. When I looked behind that guy was steve. But just after that when I turned over that creepy guy disappeared. That suprised me within a few seconds he disappeared.

I was curious about that guy. Then steve patted me on my back and then i look behind. He said What happen? Why are you not listening? And then i said Nothing just thinking about something. And then steve said well best of luck for qualifiers round. And i said Same to you and he mumbuled are you angry with me? And I said No, Only when you left the team i was worried but now we will fight to be the best. Steve replied yeah that's the spirit.

To Be Continued....