

Mystified Love of August (ch#4)
Finally!Today is the first day of my university life.I hope the start-up of me in university world would be great and peaceful because we are not kids anymore, so there will be no bullies and nothing.

So let's get ready to go.What should I wear today?Maybe something girly.No!It will not be comfortable for me, I should wear something I usually wear which is not much feminine not much like a boy too but still, I know everyone calls me tomboy here again.Hhhhhhhh!I don't want them to see me as a boy, but I can't pretend like weak and soft girls.

"Let's forget everything And just be yourself"

I said it to myself.

I reached my university it's the best for studying English literature as I love to write, so I decided to pursue my career in it, and also I will be going to post the first chapter of my novel soon. It's a fictional novel written for both boys and girls, and I also made both leads ideal type. I thought of writing my story in my novel but unfortunately nothing romantic ever happened in my life, maybe because no one likes the girls like me, or perhaps I didn't let anyone like me.

There are many people and I don't know how to talk I'm such an introvert, and also I'm very insecure because of my looks. How should I spend my First day without any friends?

" Great girl!!? Why didn't you learn any social skills? You are so dumb.” I spoke to myself.

Ohh wait! What's happening here? I think someone is fighting, but how can they fight here, they aren't kids, why being so silly? Let's see what's going on there.

OH My God!!!!!...............

A young guy is bullying another one, but why???? I don't seem to understand that's not what I imagined. I asked with people around me who were watching him being bullied, why is he doing that? And they said that because he didn't do what Eric ordered him, and also he misbehaved in front of him and his friends, so they hit him.

I was shocked that they hit him just because he didn't listen to them. Like, I mean, is he sick or something?

"Who is he? And why is he ordering others to do his stuff? Can't he do it himself?"

I asked somebody standing beside me.

“I don't know exactly, but I have heard from people that he is the richest guy in the whole university, and he bully those who don't listen to him because he liked to rule over everyone like his name Eric which means Everlasting ruler. So, don't ever dare to go near him” he replied to me in a fear.

I got frustrated after hearing him saying that how can he order others just because he is rich? They're not his slave's.

He was continuously bullying him and poured cold water on him and also threw his stuff in the trash can from his bag.

“Oh Man!!!!!! I can't tolerate this” I said to myself as I have always been a kind of person who can't stand injustice. It's hard for me to endure injustice.

“Stop!!! That's enough now!”

I shouted in anger.

Everyone looks at me as I did something wrong, and I shouldn't have said this. Oh my gosh! What would I do now everyone is staring at me?

“You! Come here.”

Eric said to me. He was full of anger and ego.

“Why? I'm not your slave. Why should I listen to you? If you want to say something, You should Come here.” I replied to him confidently because I am not afraid of anyone who does injustice or bully others.

He looked at me again and now directly into my eyes. It feels like he would kill me with his fierce,sharp eyes. His eyes were deep and dark. He smiled in a weird way. Everyone was looking at me because they were shocked.

He started walking towards me, and he got very close to me. I am to keep standing in my place without moving, and he pulls his lips close to my neck and ear. I get goosebumps and then suddenly he whispers

“whatever you say darling. By the way, What's your name darling?” directly into my ears.

I pushed him back and said,

"Shut up!”

he smiled at me again.

“Darling, why being harsh? Why don't you come with me, we should eat somewhere and can have a sweet talk there. What do you say? Darling.”

he said hastily.

“Get lost! And eat with yourself in hell. Jerk”

I replied to him in a sharp voice and turned my back on his face and walk away from him. Everyone was continuously looking at me until I got into my class.

Why? Why? Why? It has to be me. Why can't anyone else stand in front of him and stop him? How am i going to be friends with others now?

“Let's forget everything now and focus on the class, Alessia.” I speak to myself.

“Oh, your name is Alessia. Darling.”

Eric speaks from behind me, and he comes and sit beside me. I'm getting awful feelings from him.

“Your name is as beautiful as you are and suits you well. A defending warrior. Well, it should be like a defending Angel.”

he says,

“Why are you here? Did you just follow me?...

“Shush! Stop!”

Eric interrupted me and said,

"I didn't follow you, but I'm glad that your first class is the subject which I dropped last year and took this semester. I think it's fate, Darling Alessia.”

He turned into a flirty guy again.

“Stop calling me darling and go away from here, I would rather not sit beside you.”

I said In anger.

“But I like to call you “Darling” darling Alessia.”

he again said in a flirty way.

“Oh please! Shut up”

I shouted in anger and changed my seat.

He stands up to follow me towards my seat, but thanks to god, the professor arrived on time, so he sits back.

We took the class quietly and the class ended. It was the only class I had today, as it was my first day. I became tired just after one class, I think I should go home and sleep a little. I didn't sleep because of the excitement of joining the university. Furthermore, I was going towards the bus stop and suddenly, someone stopped his car In front of me. Likewise, I wonder who the hell he is now. He came out of his car. Darn!! It's that jerk, Eric, again.

“Should I drop you home? Darling”

He asked me casually.

“No, thanks. I can go myself”

I answered him rudely.

I heard from numerous people after the class that he was a womanizer. He had so many girlfriends before at the same time, but he didn't make one from a year and now some people said that he is trying to make me one. Does he really think I'm a fool like those girls who were his girlfriends.

“Don't be rude darling, just come with me”

He holds my hand while saying it.

“Leave my hand, or it will not be good for you” I said in anger.

“I won't. Just come with me, what's the big deal, I will drop you”

he said and tried to drag me towards his car.

I become so frustrated and I slapped him so hard In front of everyone on the road. There were many students of our university too.

I pulled out my hand from his hand and sit in the taxi without looking at his face again. I was so afraid and angry.

it's the worst start up of my university life, I wonder what I will going to do. I got fed up in just one day, how will I am going to spend my four years in this university while facing him?

I reached home. Suddenly I realized that i sent email to my secret admirer last week but didn't receive any reply. Should i try to email him again or should i wait? maybe i should wait he will reply to me soon as he used to write letter to me once a week. I should check my laptop later.

suddenly an email come in my laptop. let's check who's that. Ohh it's from him My Secret Admirer. I really wanted him to email me now because he always comforted me in my hard times. His words always made me smile whenever i felt sad. I wonder how he everytime knew when i was sad and when not. let's read hi email. I'm very curious to know who is he maybe he would have write his name now as i asked him in my email and our high school ended too. So now he don't have any reason to hide himself.
Dear Alessia,

I can't tell you right now who I'm but just know that I'm someone from around you but don't try to find me right now you will know it when the times come.

I was there in the university too. You were pretty cool today. I didn't know that you are so brave I'm happy to see that and i actually like brave and bold girls like you much. They way you stopped him and the way you ruled him. Oh My God i fall for you harder this time.

Weren't you scared of him? Not even a little? I mean he looked very cold and dangerous. Didn't he said anything to him.

I have heard from people that you even slapped him and run away. why did you slapped him. Isn't he was just being nice?

Don't be afraid of anyone Alessia you have me and i will protect you in every cost. You can tell me whatever you want, you can email me whenever you want. I will reply you as soon as i see your mail.

By the way how's your foot now? Is foot massager working well? if it has any problem just let me know i will send you another one or if you need any other things just let me know without hesitation. i will sent you. You don't know how much happier i was after seeing your mail and i really wanted to show myself to you today but i couldn't able to because of the things happened to you but i promise i would not let you wait much. Maybe in next semester i would reveal myself or maybe i can in this semester too. I know you would be shocked to know who I'm because I'm a completely different person in front of everyone but for you I'm all yours.

I think it's enough from me today and from now on use this email as our chatting box you can email me anytime i will reply you everytime till I'm alive.

Your Secret Admirer 🥀

Oh My God! He was there with me all the time I can't believe it. How did i not able to recognized him. I wish he would reveal himself soon. I can't wait to know who's that person who love me so deeply. I should reply to him now.


Dear my secret admirer,

Whoever you are i know you are such an amazing person. I don't know why you don't want to reveal yourself now but i know you will have a better reason for that too and i will wait for you.

I'm glad to hear that you would with me when i was stoping him. It's not like that i was not scared at i all. I was afraid him, I was afraid of standing in front of him. I didn't even know who the hell he was but i heard from some of the students that he is the most richest guy of the university and he bully those who don't listen to his order and i stoped him and refused to listen him Infront of everyone because i don't care how much dangerous he is I just know thay I can't stand in front of injustice.

And not only this but he also started flirting with me. furthermore, he and I both were in the same class. He sat beside me i got terrified but i pretend to be brave and confident. I changed my seat in class.

Moreover, he offered me a ride after the class and i refused to him that time too but he grabbed my hand and tried to dragged me into his car so i slapped him. I was scared, i was very scared and I'm still scared to think about going to university tomorrow. i don't know what he would do next i don't wanna face him. Help me please i don't wanted to go tomorrow. No actually i will not go tomorrow i can't be able to it's hard for me to breath in that environment, I can't. Maybe i shouldn't had slapped him but if o didn't than what should i had done at that time. I was so terrified. Maybe i would not come this whole week because of him and i also need some time to relax myself and be prepared for facing him again.

Now I'm feeling relieved that you will protect and i will try my best to protect myself too. I won't let him to treat me like a toy. I will fight for justice till the end. Thanks for always being there for me secretly. Looking forward to hear you from you soon.

A girl who wants to know you. ✨
© Soul🥀