

United by a tragedy
The sky was painted with blue and white and held yellow up high. The flare in the sky let it's golden light be transported down below towards a tree with branches that were not old. The weeping leaves sheltered a soul filled with love. Fingers grazed over leather. Mixing man made with nature. A rustle was heard but was drowned out by the tears of the sky.

A cover was flipped showcasing a sketch of a women in a scene parallel to reality. She held a warm smile as if responding to the one the man held as well. More pages were flipped showcasing picnics in the spring as birds chirped along to the notes of love, a basket of flowers to give to the ones lost, a starry sky filled with stars but none were as bright as their love. He remembered these moments as if they were happening now.

Their first picnic. He remembers the arguments of who should bring the food. In the end it was decided to bake together.

Their first funeral. He remembers comforting her when she thought all was lost. That day she knew he would stay forever.

Their first star gazing trip. He remembers the awe in her eyes but failed to notice the love in his. After that day it became tradition.

He was reminiscing the time when all was right. When she was near. If powers were given, he would take the power to go back into time so she could stay in sight and not only in the heart.

The sound of rain was accompanied by the sound of steps. He knew they were coming for him. But he also knew he can't run forever. One way or another the reaper will take his soul. None know when they will die until it's too late. As soon as death has given the sign, you will perished. Death does not give out happy endings to all. He knew that all to well. But if he must go he wanted to go at the place that made him happiest the most while remembering the moments that made his life whole.

The footsteps continued as death waits for none. He would have to pay for a crime done by another. Justice isn't always served. A lesson he learnt whenever it rained. He always thought the rain was the world crying as an innocent soal suffered an undeserved ending. He never realised that one day that soul would be his.

He had only one regreting. His only wish was to have let her live. Nature was disrupted by hands as a sword was drawn. He paid no attention to his approaching death but instead laid the leather against the tree. Atleast one would be weeping tonight at the lost of his soul.

He smiled. Knowing he did what he could. Maybe this was the world's way of letting him stay with her for all of eternity. He didn't know. Humans aren't all powerful beings. Humanity can't escape death. No matter how much you try death will come. Even to the ones that deserve it the least. The grass went from green to red as a stomach was pierced. Silence stretched on as a sentence was left hanging in the air. "To be with my love was all I wished, thank you for granting this wish of mine."

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