

July 14.
They were friends for 16 years. Amna, a girl used to dream of a prince like a princess do. Ahmed was a boy , a boy of views contented with simplicity and reality of world. Their views often contradict yet they were best friends, crime partners and shared secrets when need arises.
Ahmed used to ask amna, to come back to real world , but she was a dreamer girl, always wanted extraordinary and things out of imagination.
Amna's life changed when she started receiving some mysterious presents, letters and surprises from an unknown. She was fascinated by this , because she wished her all life for this.
She shared it to ahmed , they used to discuss him , she used to tell him how sweet that unknown is and how much he love her and his surprises and presents. They used to write him replies together . Amna's love for that unknown was increasing gradually and reached its peak finally. She was obsessed. Ahmed was the man who always helped her in her bad times and always stood with her in her goods and bads.
That unknown wrote that he will give her a surprise letter on july 14.In the morning of july 14, amna was waiting eagerly for his letter, at the same time she received a call informing about the Ahmed's death in an Accident.
She was shocked and shattered in grief and couldn't believe this at all as a postman give her a letter saying "I'm Ahmed".
Ahmed was a man whose eyes were filled with love , her love. But she couldn't see ,as she always aimed for what wasn't reality, she missed what was with her.
© Haider writes.