

This is the story of Lanemark Village , where strange things happen like the river flowing in any direction it pleases. Trees turn green in autumn and shed their leaves in the rain. Roads here can lead anywhere, making driving fast a crime.

In that same village lived an old man with his nephew, Snow. Snow, a 18-year-old, whose parents had gone missing on a search of some kind of finding the Kohinoor mission, But they never returned. When Snow comes home from school, he calls out, "Uncle Perry? Where are you? You might not believe it, but I did well on my test today! You should see, you'll be happy! Where are you?" Snow searched all around the house but couldn't find anyone, then he found a letter in his room and started reading.

"Snow, my child, I don't know how you'll handle all this now, but the truth is, I'm going to look for my brother and his wife, who is also your mother and father. Son, I feel like your mother and father are still alive. In the last 4 years, I've had dreams and signs that make me think they are alive. He was my younger brother, and my parents had asked me to take care of him, but I couldn't. But now I've received a sign that might lead me to find my brother. If you ever need anything, go to Nikki Bell. She's a good friend of mine, and I hope she won't disappoint you. And yes, forgive me. I might have said this and bid you a good farewell, but there are some thugs behind me who were after the same treasure your parents went looking for 8 years ago. That's why I'm going back, son, take care of yourself, and we will come back, love you dear snow - your uncle Perry cristen"

Snow smiled slightly and started looking out the window. Snow thought maybe all the villagers called his uncle crazy, but Snow didn't think so because they were the ones who loved him dearly. After Uncle Perry left, Snow went to school, where he met his friends Crystal and Johnny. He saw Snow looking quite sad in class and thinking about something. That's when Johnny threw a piece of paper and got Snow's attention, asking, "What's up, dude? Everything alright?" Snow nodded with a slight smile.

After school, when the three met, Crystal said, "So, what's going on, Snow? Tell us, we're your friends, right?" Snow said, "Uncle Perry has gone. He thinks my parents might still be alive, meaning his younger brother and his wife, and he wants them to come back!" Johnny exclaimed, "What? You mean your uncle now thinks your parents are alive? That's amazing! If the villagers find out, they'll laugh at you even more! Maybe forgive me, but friend, this is weird, isn't it?" Crystal said, "Johnny, will you calm down? Listen, Snow, don't worry, and yes, we both care about you! Let's go party? Today was the last day of school, after all, right?" Meanwhile, some guys who always teased good boys, led by a heady guy, shouted, "Yeah, sure, go party quickly, or maybe you'll be cleaning up a bar or restaurant tomorrow? What do you say, friends?" Then everyone started laughing, and Snow, Crystal, and Johnny left from there.

In the evening, when they reached Snow's house, Crystal said, "So, how was the party? Johnny, what will you do after exams?" Johnny laughed and said, "It's a boring life. I'll earn some money and maybe open a restaurant. I know how to cook good food, maybe?" Crystal replied, "Oh no, then I'll never eat at your restaurant because I remember once you were making chicken soup? And you didn't put any chicken in it? You forgot, it was just vegetables? And you put sugar instead of salt, remember?" Johnny said, "Yeah, that was my training day. I was learning to cook from YouTube! Crystal said, "So, will you make good food now? Johnny said, "No, that was the last one. I'll start training again and maybe get better? Crystal laughed and said, "Then count me out of your restaurant!!" Then they all started laughing!

Johnny said, "Let me bring some beer, then?" Johnny went inside, and Crystal asked Snow, "Are you okay, Snow?" Snow said, "Yes, I'm fine, just missing them?" Crystal said, "Yes, they are your own, and we miss them more when they're far away. It feels like they're still with us. I understand, maybe I lost my mother, so I can understand!" Snow said, "Maybe, you're right? Crystal asked, "So, what will you do now? Snow said, "I have nothing to do, and all my loved ones are gone searching for some hidden treasure. And there's no other way back, either? So now I'm thinking either I go help them, which I don't know if they're alive or not, or I work here in Mark Land and see my life? What do you think?" Crystal said, "If you're thinking of going to help them, then never, right? Maybe it'll be too dangerous and new for you. After all, you're only 18? Taking such risks might not be right? Snow said, "Yes, but I know my parents will never come back. But I can understand Uncle Perry? They haven't gone too far?"

Crystal said, "I'm only worried about you, Snow. I don't want to lose you?" Crystal went close to Snow, hugged him, and said, "I think I like you, Snow! Do you?" Just then, Johnny came back home, and Crystal separated from Snow? Then Johnny said, "Maybe I came at the wrong time, friends?" Crystal said, "Yes, you always do that? Come at the right time to the wrong place, and at the right place at the wrong time, Johnny? Then they all started laughing!!

To be continue...

Written by - MD Irfan