

Practicality, a stereotypical cage!
Behave like a grown up now!
Think practically!
You aren't mature enough!
You won't be able to stand in this cruel world!
All of this exclamations are something people hear every other day. We are completely bound to fit ourselves in such terrible and pathetic stereotypes of society. Being practical in one word. Why? Because this is what all people do. The wings of those trying to standout beyond these are ruptured brutally. Study. Work. Marry. and Die! There's no room for your crazy side your inner soul in this melancholy. This restricts you and becomes another reason for gloom and agony.

I am 19 year old who still watches cartoon or whose parents buy her clothes or who still plays with kids. But this doesn't make me less of a human or incompetent to take serious life decisions. Being immature ain't being impractical rather its accepting your true self. Pretending to be more sophisticated and responsible is simply handcuffing your actual being.

Today, true practicality is amalgamating your immature side along with accomplishing your ambitions. Be more stupid, joyful, make faces, throw tantrums, cry, pave a way towards your hobby, think beyond career and curriculum and be you! Spend time where you are actually who you are and not what this world perceives. Skip those hefty workout, discontinue your skin care regime for a day, eat sleep laugh and never stop being childish just to polish this falsity of lustrous civilization.
© TheGloomyFire