

Magic Realms Hidden Secrets Chapter 6
Chapter six.

A new face.

They soon met up with Amber and Andrew in a small bar in the centre of the town. Andrew was sitting quietly at the table reading the menu, and Amber was arguing with the bartender.
"Look, are the older not weak and the young strong?"
"Yes… bu-"
"But what.. exactly you have no argument. So therefore I should be able to order your finest rum! I am a paying customer and you are using far too much of MY time! Give me a jug of it NOW!"
The bartender glanced helplessly at the waiter. The waiter looked appalled at Amber's audacity, but shrugged helplessly. The bartender handed her the biggest jar of rum Luna had ever seen someone hold let alone drink. Amber smiled victoriously and took the jug without a 'thanks'. The other customers glared at Amber as if she were the dirtiest being in the world, sharing the waiter's incentive. She sat down as if nothing had happened. Andrew glared at her, not impressed with her minor victory. Without a word he stood up, snatched the rum jug and tipped it onto the floor. Amber looked as if she had been stabbed. Jacob gapped openly. Luna attempted to leave the room, but everyone glared at her. Andrew gulped and Luna could tell he was thinking about his death wish.
"You will wish you were dead", Amber replied eerily calmly.

After an awkward walk around town, Luna felt defeated. She was tried, agitated and above all concerned. She was in a town nowhere near her home and whilst the sun shone brightly she had little idea of where to go from here. She decided to call it a day and rest till the morrow. They walked around until they found a nearby clearing. The clearing looked as if it was drawn out of the end of a fairytale, the bit where nothing matters, everything is calm and peaceful. The perfect word to describe the clearing was 'tranquil'. They found a large patch of soft grass and sat in silence, preoccupied with thoughts and raging feelings. Luna heard a faint whisper, perhaps it was one of her own mind, it told her not to worry, that everything would work out in the end. It was a small thought, but it reassured her none the less. She watched the sun set slowly. Marvelling at the way it changed colours with every passing second. Eventually darkness had swallowed the sky and her head felt heavy. She gently closed her eyes, allowing herself to fall under sleeps luring trance. She fell asleep…

She dreamt of a place. A place she had passed by before. A dusty shop in the corner of town. The light hadn't hinted or told her where to go, it had shown her. Her eyes fluttered open, the world looked blurry but she could make out Jacob filling water bottles, using the running fresh water from the stream. Amber was still asleep and snoring softly and Andrew was staring into the distance.
"Morning", said Jacob.
"We need to wake Amber…"
"Well what are you waiting for, wake her".
Luna glared at him, waking Amber was like waking death itself. She walked over to her and shook her shoulders gently. Amber bolted upright and tackled Luna to the ground, cursing as she did. Luna just let her, knowing retaliation was not an option.

They soon arrived outside the shop Luna had been convinced to go to. It was nothing out of the ordinary. The stone bricks were old and had a small vine creeping up them, the door was made from birch wood and nothing about the shop looked particularly special. She opened the door and it made a slight creaking sound. The inside was a little dusty but all the beautiful artefacts made up for it. There were foreign jewels of all shapes and sizes, pedants, rings, books and peculiar carved pieces of parchment. Luna wished to explore them all, just to relish in this sacred and exquisite place. She noticed that there was a staircase that led upwards. There was a flow of power running through the shop and she felt a strange connection to it. She motioned for Jacob to come with her, while Amber and Andrew searched for the owner downstairs. The shop was certainly old, as the staircase creaked with every step they took. When they reached the top Luna managed to stumble over an open box.
"So much for stealth", Jacob mocked. Luna didn't give him the satisfactory of a response. Jacob extended a hand, she didn't take it. Groaning she stood up.

"Who is making such a racket, I swear if thieves are in MY shop they are in for a slap across the face!" The stranger announced. His voice was deep, but humerus. The man stomped violently into the room. He was tall and wide, had a long beard and his hair was long gone. His attire was one of colour, it seemed to be a mash of different cultures.
"It's you!" He gasped in surprise. An excited expression crept onto his face, which only worried Luna more.
"You- You're the dream girl! I have foreseen this very moment! What is your name girl!"
"Um.. Luna, it's Luna".
"Foolish girl, your real name", he smiled knowingly. Luna shot him a confused expression.
"Ah yes... I see you haven't ventured there yet… my 'name' is Lucifer. I really do not care what his is." Lucifer said, finally noticing Jacob.
"I-i need your help", Luna asked, suddenly self-conscious. She was praying he knew how to free Ocean. If Lucifer failed to free her sister, then Luna knew they were as good as dead.
"Ah yes, you see, by your expression you are hoping I can magically make all your problems disperse like dust, well I actually can't do anything of the sort." Panic threatened to devour her. What did he mean he couldn't fix it? What about her sister? What of the journey? Was it all for nothing?
"W-hat do you mean you- can't fix it!?" Luna's voice quavered and she knew she was about to cry.
"You misunderstand me again. I said I can't fix this, but that doesn't mean that you can't." Luna smiled with relief but also to hide the seed of fear that was growing and blossoming with every drop of doubt.
"What must I do?" She asked gingerly. Luna wanted to block her ears, but the temptation was far too great to resist. So she listened intently. Lucifer began to explain the task at hand…

In our lives people come and go. Sometimes these people die, other times you and these people simply drift apart. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It is only natural that we believe the world revolves around ourselves. Afterall when one of these people leave us, we only think of grief, relief, regret or we simply don't mind. It all comes down to how much you loved this person. If you hated them you feel like a burden has been lifted. If you love them you feel a burden has been placed upon you. If you do not care about them, then you feel nothing at all. You only think of how your life is affected. Even if you hope they are doing well, you only wish it as you heard or knew of the person they were. Say, for example, that a person you didn't know murdered your loved one, would you care if they died? No, no you wouldn't. The only reason we love or hate people is through others or our own words and actions. You develop a perspective based of yourselfs opinion. Everyone has their own life, you can not read people's mindsets. The greatest skill is the power to control emotions, even if that's just your own. Never make a decision without blocking any love, hatred, sadness, fear or jealousy. Only then can you truly trust your judgement.

-Lucifer Arthur.

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