

Soulmates ❤️?
In this world everything exists. I believe in soulmates an even twin-flame💓. I believe when you see them the first time your heart doesn't beats fast but you immediately make a connection. This looks totally mystical ❤. Love is not just an emotion that we show to someone. It is the connection between two special and specific souls. Soulmate never looked nice. Soulmate looks like an art. Art wasn't supposed to be nice, is supposed to make you feel what it says. An art can be dirty and beautiful but you need to find the meaning what it says. In some relationships, couples make promises with eachother and after sometime when they can't satisfy each other. They get separated with eachother as we call it breakup. Not every relation is about romantic or being nice. You should understand eachother and understand each others feelings or emotions which is rare in these days. All people falls for looks, wealth and fame. But I think some people also exist in this world to connect with you and ur soul and maybe I will call them as karmic relationships. Karmic relationships can be good and bad. I feel like I have a soulmate too but I haven't met yet. I am not in a relationship too because I don't need all these fakeup stories and drama. If I will feel for someone then I will love that person.

These are my thoughts about soulmate❤️.
Soon we will meet. 💓
© I'm a believer of Universe 💕❤️888