

bitter sweet : book one
it was a dark night , a starless sky above, I smiled as the wind coaxed my skin causing me to shiver , dad's beach house meant everything to me , the memories they were never going to fade away .
"Diane? mom's worried about you, come in now,would you?" my psychagogic elder sister shouted from the porch.
"arggh go away Rachel !!" I kicked my sneakers off and ran further away from the beach house.
"does it matter anyway? we need the money and the beach house is what's left ,please come in mom's bugging my already miserable life" she said liting a cigarette , she scratched her thick dark hair.
" would you stop smoking that goddamn thing Rachel? I said as i picked up a pebble and made to throw it at her.
"mom's not here, how is she going to know about it? unless your big mouth gets too big." she scoffed and puffed out smoke.
" I wish you were the one who died and not dad". I sighed as I gathered more pebbles in my sneakers.
"what did you say now?" she said narrowing her eyes at me throwing away the cigarette she smashed it with her right foot,kicking it away from the porch. "you have to see your therapist early tomorrow." she shouted and folded her arms akimbo.
"you have to see your therapist tomorrow"..I said mimickly. "thanks for the reminder" kicking my legs through the sand i walked towards the porch sliding past her I could hear her mumbling.
"ugh get a life" she said rolling her eyeballs
"get a life? I'm nineteen Rachel , you're uh twenty eight and not married, no kids , nothing at all , how about you get a life ?" I said with a grimace , shutting the glass door I climbed up the stairs to my room. I heaved a sigh as I looked outside my window. I could hear my mom arguing with Rachel about something , I threw the pebbles I had gathered earlier into my Dora the explorer little chest I had kept beneath my bed, I took a glance at the picture frame of my dad and I that hung over my bed , my dad was a pure example of a great black man.
"Rachel you're wasting your life" .I heard mom say as I trundle off to bed , eyes brimming, face twisted into a grateful glistening grimace, wondering what all the fuss was about. I shut my eyes.
© eseosalittle