

Under the dark sky, with the watch of smiling stars ,there stand a normal girl who strives to grab the aspect of normality in each and every strand of her life. Her eyes were filled with the twinkling of hope and the shining of faith for the better life and a guided future.

Each and every day she takes the pen to scribble something on the plane paper ,but each time the shadow of her two fingers holding the pen reflects on the paper in a dark colour ,this hinder her writing she thought about this matter for a long time at last she decide to change her writing posisition but the shadow still follows her like the change following the future ,this agitated her to a great degree so she decided to quit her writing .

One day her friend suggest her to write in writer apps , as soon as she reach her home she takes the mobile ,install the writing app after thirty minutes of waiting, the app finally get installed, with the bright face she dive into the app and started to type but this time the notification from different apps bother her, she gets irrevocably irritated. she turn off all her notification and start her typing journey but the touch system in her mobile smirks by playing with her situation, her anger grew tenfolds, she takes inhale exhale exersice to curb her growing anger,at the end she sucessfully tamed her anger, after ten minutes she takes wudu and pray to God to guide her ,after the prayer she takes small nape.

The brown eyes twinkled after one hour of slumber , her wither mind get refreshed ,so she start to ponder about the distraction she faced during her journey of writing ,she sort out the
disruption in one category like Shadow, Notification, Poor touch screen. She started to think solution for this matter but this time the discourse between her father and mother creates turbulenc in her pondering, her patience grew thinner and thinner, with the volcano of anger she decided to confront this matter to her parents, but when she touches the doorknob her mind voice stops her to move further.

"Hey silly girl why are getting impatient over the silly things, "every problem has a solution likewise every solution comes after the problems." If you have problems you need to overcome it , some problems can be solved but maximum problems we face in each and every day of life can't be solved but only be prevailed.
If you have problem with shadow than you need to brighten the light but the better solution is practice the writing even with the darkest shadows , this solution is apt for notification and poor touch screen and your life as well.

So my dear try your best to solve the problems but if you can't do that than you need to improve your skill and capability to overcome it.

Problem doesn't decide you life or path but your firmity to achieve your goal decide your future

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