

In the corners of your mind, there are smiles and memories that you cannot just leave behind, that you cannot just forget.

Someone said Maturity is only when you realise that school life was the best life and we all indeed felt it true at least at some point of time.School is not only a place to study it also gave us the beautiful memories and moral lessons .Every school student fancies the college life . But school life is the more fun and adorable where we can spend time without thinking much about future as children. Sometimes we feel like going back to those times . We were naive back then , without any prior responsibilities and were protected from evil outside world by our beloved teachers and parents . We not only learned the subjects but also many moral lessons and ways to lead our life . School life gave us strength and confidence to move further in life. People may change but memories don't . School moments turn into lovely treasures and deep inside our hearts we adore and cherish these beautiful memories forever......

© Anne

#memories #School #story #lifelesson