

What If...Iron Man Survived The Snap?
What if Iron Man survived after he said the words "And I...am...Iron Man."?

After he snapped everyone away, he could've just been knocked out cold and his right arm was gone, Pepper immediately carries him to med bay and Dr. Cho does the best she can to keep Tony alive.

After a while, Tony wakes up and notices that his arm was now red, yellow and just a little bit silver, Dr. Cho explains to him that his arm was blown off during the snap, but he still managed to survive.

A few hours later, Tony is surrounded with hugs from Pepper, Morgan, Rhodey, Steve, Happy, Bruce, Thor, Peter, Strange, Bucky, Sam, Harley (if you don't know what I'm talking about, check out Iron Man 3), Nebula, and all of the rest of the Avengers. (Natasha included, yes, she survives too).

The End.

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