

If only my heart was a book, you would read it page by page and see the things i do not say; probably because of ego, arrogance, class and male chauvinism. The posts that i draft and delete are the real me. Whatever i post is just social me, nowhere near who i truly am. Sometimes i feel so empty. I Overthink alot. I look at people passing by and think of the fights they go through. At least i acknowledge am not in the worst canoe so i remain calm in the storm. And At this moment, my life came tumbling down like a paper house. Right from education, family, bonds and business. The only thing that remained was me😪. I remember her voice in some cold prayers "What if one day you get everything you ever wanted... But still realize it's not enough to make you happy?" Ion, It's not about who you've been with, it's about who you end up with. Sometimes, the heart doesn't know what it wants until it finds what it wants.
The heart is a foolish item. Its a strange creature. Now knowing this, the truest companion in life is your peddler. How can you ever pay someone who blends your favorite to suit your journey?😦
Let me leave before i become sentimental and start crying 🚶 🚶

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