

The Secret love affair of the Couple with Krishna... ❤️🧿🌼🙏
The excitement in their eyes,
They can't hide from each other...
They were not even this excited when they met first time...
It's been a year, they have been together...
but didn't know this madness they both have... they were not very sure, if to share with each other or not and how weird it would be to say your partner...I love Krishna more than anything... while may be the other one is just interested to listen... I love you.
They knew they are very chill in life, their hobbies, work, yoga, families... except this secret love affair !!

They know they are devotees and their families are quite mad devotees too...

But when they both uttered "Krishna" at the same time...
and were having the same thought of visiting Brindavan and Kashi...
The drops of devotion, love just started flowing from their eyes... They are so intensely in love with Krishna, and He has always been with them since so many years... and have rescued them from such drastic situations in such beautiful dramatic ways that...

One utterance of "Krishna" in their heart can just make them feel Him around... His blissful hand on their head...!!

They just hugged each other tight...
They just felt we can do it now... after so many years... He has given this opportunity to visit Him... They are just crying without saying anything as if the souls can understand and listen each other in silence...

Now they know, they can be the best friends for life times and can talk about anything, they can make jokes on life... and intensely discuss Krishna... they won't judge each other's emotions for Krishna... and they don't need a third person to do party... their own soul was enough and now they have someone to cry with... in search of Him !

They feel greatful to Him, for making them meet and also for being there with them all the time.

They see Krishna in everything, feel Him everywhere, and have a great respect for each other and everything around, they are conscious of every moment passing by, chanting Krishna is like in their every breath! And as they know that and can feel that, they treat each other as someone would treat their beloved Krishna on the earth ! This bonding is something very rare and different!

Now they are like one body, one mind with 4 hands and 4 legs... walking with Krishna 🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🌼🌼🌼🧿

#StoryTime #KrishnaBeingTheCentreOfLife

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