

well everyone knows when they born as there parents tell them but what happened if you know about your last breath? still you can be calm?if yes then you are just like me.

I was too young when my parents died in an accident.After my parents my grandparents takes my responsibility. They send me London for my study and when my vacation get started they take me back to India. When I completed my study I came back to India. Early I didn't realised but then suddenly one day I realised that there is a room besides the store room with the curiosity I went to my grandma and asked about the room.I noticed the change that occurs at my grandma's face. With ful of scare she asked me did you opened that door. I replied her no I didn't open the door but why grandma is there something in that room? She replied me nothing is it darling it's just some useless things nothing more and you have allergies from dust that's why I asked you to not open that door ok. But I knew that she wasn't asked me it for allergies
I knew that something is fishfy in that room and now with more curiosity I went to my grandpa and asked about that room. My grandpa was a retired general of army so he was little bit strict. when I asked him about the room he get angry and warned me to stay out of that room understand. Now definetly I understand something is fishfy in that room and it was, I heard my grandma was telling that now she has noticed the room what should we do now so grandpa replied we must send her London for someday so that she will forgot about the room. grandma reply but how should I tell her to go again London. now I am full of curiosity and now I decided today's night I will definitely check that room. when my grandparents slept I what are the corridor and reached to the basement I try to open that door but it was too hard for me I suddenly realise that the door can be open from sweeping of credit card inside the door. I rush to my room to take my credit card I take my credit card and came again to baseman I tried a lot and finally the door was opened but it was my biggest mistake ever. I saw my all childhood memories in that room. But the thing in that room scared me a lot was my death day yes you get right. I saw my birth date 27th January 1995 and my death day 18th April 2021. I had my first breath in that room and also my last breath in that room.

next morning that old grandparents never find their granddaughter they only find her dresses in the basement room .