


‏xiao qi kept thinking about shaohan all the way back home ‎, ‏even when she arrived she kept thinking about him ‎, ‏and went directly to her room ‎, ‏and didn't spoke with fang-fang ‎, ‏night fell she had her dinner and went to sleep ‎, ‏without talking with fang-fang ‎, ‏she had a good night ‎, ‏no nightmares only shaohan ‎, ‏she didn't knew that she had fallen in love with shaohan for the second time ‎, ‏Destiny is really strange ‎, ‏the one who xiao qi had forgots about ‎, ‏she fallen for him again that's what we called a couple made fot each other ‎, ‏even all what happe she loves him and always will ‎.
‏In morning xiao qi woke up late she took a bath then she went to have dinner ‎, ‏she sat down and started eating ‎, ‏without talking with fang-fang ‎, ‏he release that she is acting strange from yesterday ‎, ‏also she is unhappy ‎, ‏he looked at her for seconds then said ‎:《XIAO QI ARE YOU OKAY ‎? ‏YOU DON'T LOOK GOOD ‎, ‏SHOULD I CALL THE DOCTOR 》xiao qi:《AH ‎! ‏NO ‎, ‏NO NEED ‎, ‏IT'S JUST IAM FEELING STRANGE FROM YESTERDAY ‎, ‏JUST THAT 》fang-fang:《XIAO QI DON'T THINK TOO MUCH OKAY ‎, ‏AH RIGHT I FORGOT TO TELL YOU THAT DAOMING IS COMING TO HERE IN ONE HOUR 》 when she heard that ‎, ‏she felt happy ‎, ‏even her heart was dancing from happiness ‎, ‏then she went to her room ‎, ‏one hour later shaohan came home ‎, ‏but she didn't know ‎, ‏he sat with fang-fang but they were not good ‎, ‏Fang Fang was reprimanding Shauhan saying ‎:《WHAT YOU WERE GOING TO TELL XIAO QI THAT DAY ‎, ‏AH ‎, ‏I TOLD YOU THAT OUR PLAN IS TO MAKE HER REMEMBER ABOUT COLLEGE NOT TO TELL HER AVERYTHING, ‏DO YOU WANNA KILL HER ‎? ‏》shao han ‎:《SHE WAS ASKING ABOUT ME ‎, ‏OFCOURSE IAM GONNA TELL HER THE TRUTH ‎, ‏I DON'T WANT TO LIE TO HER ‎, ‏ALSO I WANT MY GIRLFRIEND BACK 》fang-fang ‎:《DON'T EVEN DARE TO TELL HER IT'S NOT THE RIGHT TIME 》suddenly they heard xiao qi saying:《TELL ME EVERYTHING IAM HEARING 》they stood and turns towards her and then in same time they said ‎:《 XIAO QI 》, ‏then fang-fang said ‎:《HEY WHY YOU CAME ‎, ‏UM WAIT I WILL BRING YOU SOMETHING TO DRINK 》xiao qi ‎:《DON'T CHANGE THE TOPIC ‎, ‏I HAVE HEARD AVERYTHING YOU BOTH SAID ‎, ‏SO NOW I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING 》shao han:《FANG-FANG IT'S TIME ‎, ‏I TOLD YOU ‎, ‏NOW I WILL NOT HIDE ANYTHING FROM HER ‎, ‏IF YOU DON'T WANT TO TELL HER ‎, ‏SO I WILL 》fang-fang ‎:《 YOU ARE RIGHT SHAOHAN IT'S TIME 》xiao qi ‎:《SH..SH..SH.SH..SHAOHAN ‎, ‏YOU ARE SHAOHAN ‎, ‏HOW ‎? ‏》fang-fang ‎:《XIAO QI RELAX I'M GONNA TELL YOU EVERYTHING ‎, ‏NOW COME WITH US ‎, ‏WE WILL GO TO THE PLACE WHERE EVERYTHING BEGAN 》then they went to the place where she had the accident ‎, ‏then shao han and fang-fang began to tell her everything ‎, ‏from her first day in college ‎, ‏how she met shao han ‎, ‏the day fang-fang cheated on her ‎, ‏how she fell in love with shao han ‎, ‏to the day she had the accident ‎, ‏all what she heard was unbelievable for her ‎, ‏She refused to believe what she had heard ‎, ‏especially the truth that fang-fang cheated on her ‎, ‏she was confused ‎, ‏as for shao han ‎, ‏he was tired of everything ‎, ‏all he wanted was for xiao qi to remember him one day ‎, ‏then shao han looked at her and said ‎:《 ALL I WANTED FROM YOU IS TO REMMEMBER ME ‎, ‏EVEN AFTER ALL WHAT WE TOLD YOU ‎, ‏YOU DIDN'T REMEMBER ME YET ‎, ‏NOW THERE IS ONE THING LEFT THAT WILL PROBABLY HELP YOU TO REMEMBER ‎, ‏I LOVE YOU 》 then he went running towards the road ‎, ‏as for xiao qi when she saw him running like that ‎, ‏she remembered the day of the accident ‎, ‏then she have remember averything and then she looked at shaohan who was standing in the middle of the road and a car was approaching him ‎, ‏so she runs towards him and shouting out his name and fang-fang after her ‎, ‏fortunately, ‏she got there and pulled him towards her ‎, ‏before the car hit him ‎, ‏then she hit him on his arm crying and saying ‎:《YOU SCARES ME ‎, ‏DON'T DO THAT AGAIN ‎, ‏BECAUSE I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU ‎, ‏I LOVE YOU SHAO HAN 》shao han was surprised then he said ‎:《XIAO QI ‎, ‏YOU REMEMBERS ME ‎, ‏OH MY GOD ‎, ‏FANG-FANG SHE REMEMBER ME 》 then he hugged her and said ‎:《PLEASE DON'T FORGET ME AGAIN ‎, ‏OKAY ‎, ‏I LOVE YOU 》fang-fang was happy for them ‎, ‏he smiled and said ‎:《AH ‎! ‏OKAY OKAY JUST STOP THIS ROMANCE ‎, ‏AHH ‎, ‏FINALLY I WILL GO BACK TO MY LIFE ‎, ‏AND XIAO QI AGAIN SORRY FOR WHAT I DID THAT DAY 》xiao qi ‎:《JUST FORGET ‎, ‏BECAUSE I HAVE ALREADY FORGAVE YOU ALONG TIME AGO ‎, ‏AND THAT WHAT I WANTED TO TELL YOU THAT DAY ALSO I WANTED YOU TO KNOW THAT FINALLY I HAVE FOUND MY TRUE LOVE ‎, ‏SHAOHAN》fang-fang ‎:《THANK YOU ‎, ‏AND IAM HAPPY FOR YOU ‎, ‏NOW I WILL GO ‎, ‏TAKE CARE OKAY ‎, ‏AH AND DON'T FORGET TO INVITE ME TO YOUR WEDDING 》shyly xiaoqi said ‎:《WHAT WEDDING ‎! ‏HAHA ‎, ‏I DON'T THINK THAT THIS MAN WILL PROPOSE ME ONE DAY HAHAHA 》shao han ‎:《XIAO QIIIIII 》xiao qi ‎:《UMMM ‎, ‏SO FANG-FANG TAKE CARE AND CONTACT US OKAY 》shao han ‎:《AH FANG-FANG ‎, ‏THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME ‎, ‏AND SORRY BECAUSE I HAVE MISUNDERSTOOD YOU ‎, ‏TAKE CARE AND CONTACT US LIKE XIAO QI SAID HUH 》fang-fang:《IT'S OKEY SHAO HAN ‎, ‏SO GOOD BYE TAKE CARE 》xiao qi and shao han ‎:《 GOOD BYE 》and they went ‎.
‏In fact fang-fang have fallen for xiao qi again ‎, ‏he even forgot about his fiancee ‎, ‏but he knew that he had lost xiao qi's love long time ago ‎.
‏A week later ‎, ‏shao han decorated the place where he first met xiao qi and called all the students ‎, ‏then he bring xiao qi and proposed her with the most romantic way ‎, ‏it was a beautiful day especially when xiao qi agreed ‎.
‏A month later ‎, ‏a sunny beautiful day in beach ‎, ‏the place was decorated with white and red roses ‎, ‏it was like dream ‎, ‏the invitees were sitting and on the stage shaohan standing in black suit waiting for his bride ‎, ‏after a while ‎, ‏xiao qi came wearing a long white wedding dress with a crown of roses on her head ‎, ‏she look like princess ‎, ‏then slowly walked towards shaohan with a smile on her face ‎, ‏then she went up the stage and holds his hand ‎, ‏then she looked at fang-fang who was with the invitees and said ‎:《LOOK FANG-FANG HE PROPOSED ME AND NOW IAM GONNA BE HIS WIFE ‎, ‏THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND AND MY FAMILLY WHEN MY PARENTS LEFT ME ‎, ‏THANK YOU 》fang-fang smiles to her ‎, ‏then xiao qi and shao han started the marriage ceremony ‎, ‏after they finished ‎، ‏Shaohan picked up Xiaoshi and ran towards the shore and then landed her ‎, ‏then he looked to her eyes and said ‎:《THANK YOU XIAO QI FOR REMEMBERING ME ‎, ‏FOR LOVING ME AGAIN AND AGAIN ‎, ‏THANK YOU FOR BEING MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE ‎, ‏I LOVE YOU AND I WILL DO FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE 》xiao qi smiled and said ‎:《DEAR YOU KNOW IN EVERY SECOND IN MY LIFE YOU WAS WITH ME LIGHTING MY WAY ‎, ‏THANK YOU FOR NEVER LOSING HOPE ON ME ‎, ‏I LOVE YOU AND I WILL DO FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE ‎, ‏AND YOU WILL ALWAYS ENLIGHTEN MY WAY ‎, ‏BECAUSE YOU ARE MY LIGHTING MOON 》.

‏In the end love win ‎, ‏after all what happened xiao qi always loves shaohan ‎, ‏and he didn't lose hope in her ‎, ‏this is the power of love ‎, ‏i hope averyone finds his soulmate as shao han and xiao qi did ‎. ‏
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