

The Widow and The Third Eye
There once was a man, black his heart to be 
He looked and he looked but he couldn't quite see
You see the thing he looks for is quite tall
But the beat of his heart was rather quite small

Time is running out! he said with rage and doubt
He looked at the clock,one hour out
He sat in his chair with hate in his heart
If this is how i die then she will now start

He looked to the left then to the right
He looked forward and died of fright
The tall thing in which he needed 
Failed to appear and so his life faded

If he had found it his mind would've gone mad
But that was his fault for being spiteful and sad
There are many things in this world that only he could see
But the moment he lost it his blood began to stream

Was there a time he did not see he was up to no good 
If so why did he leave I never understood
He used to say one eye sees life the second sees light
But the third one sees death.was he right

He now lies with a faint line on his forehead
Lying peacefully upon his deathbed 
Why would he say there is a third eye
He had no reason to lie

With every day that passed by I see his window
A woman in black perhaps a widow
She stares at me with eyes the color black
When i look at her she stares back

When she stares her finger comes up to her lips 
I dont think she walks or moves i can only see up to her hips 
My curiosity led me to his door but even then it looked quite poor
I stood amongst his door i hear two people talking maybe more

The voices fill my head with such dread 
Even though the voices were faint my ears bled
I touched my brow in pain as the old man always did exactly the same
I heard crying and wailing than a woman spoke and said a name

Mr.clark come out from the dark
If you do not come i will leave a great mark
A new voice came to the room a very sick man i assumed
The woman looked to the window and to the door from the darkness she loomed

I walked away and never looked out the window
I never again wish to see the widow 
I saw her face for the very first time 
She said something strange that i heard rhymed

“The first eye sees life the second sees light and the third sees death
The next time you see me your third eye will be led
From darkness to black and blindness to death”

I had a headache the next day the pain was between my brow
I walked outside and i saw an owl
It gave me a long piece of bone standing up it was tall
I looked in the mirror my eyes saw all

I felt my head and blinked three times 
what i saw in that mirror i had a third eye
I remember what the woman had said that very night

“The first eye sees life”i closed my right and third eye.my left eye saw people.

Just normal people like I see everyday.”the second sees light”i closed my left and third eye.And everything was bright and filled with life.”

the third eye sees death ''i closed both my eyes...with my third eye open,i saw nothing but a dead field with thick fog and dead trees.not a single sign of life.

i looked out my window and saw the widow, her words filled my head.
“the next time you see me you will be led from darkness to black and from blindness to death”.

her hands are as cold as clay.she is dead yet she still stays.i can feel my body disappear and so i end this story...

don't look out your window at night or you too will feel my fright.Don't stare at the woman for she will stare back and believe me when I say she will be back...Don't let her open your third eye.for within 3 days you will surely die.                             Beware The widow .