

Skulls And Roses ( Chapter3)
Chapter : 3

When I woke up , I found only Alec was there dozing in the armchair with few drops of tears in his cheek. I could not remember anything that had happened last night but I could only remember that before going unconscious I made a horrific situation. When I tried to get off the bed ,my head felt more than 10 kilograms. I found that my dress was changed to a loose fitted yank top and loose fitted trousers. Although I hated loose fitted outfit because they look worst on me but today I felt quite good wearing my hated outfit. I found my hand to be bandaged . I somehow manage to get off the bed when suddenly the alarm clock rang and his eyes flew open and caught me from getting out of my bed when I needed rest the most. I felt quite guilty about the deed I was going to perform when suddenly I remember that I shouldn't keep that kind of feeling for him when he doesn't like me even as a confident; forget confident not even as a friend. "Hey you, idiot !!.Can you just lie down and take a rest until you become a mentally well to do person??!!.hey !!What do you mean by mentally well to !!hah hah ??I am quite well and for your kind information please mind your own business ...While fighting with him I realized he has a navy blue eyeballs but I don't care. "Don't you know that you are not well and you need rest when you are trying to escape like a criminal!!?? What do you mean by criminal ? what crime has I done ? you are now getting into my nerves, I exclaimed. Okay then , what do you want from me ?? At first I hesitated then as my anger were running in my veins instead of blood I asked him just to leave me alone. He was shocked to hear my judgment but he didn't' utter a word and left the room. Suddenly someone entered and said " My sweet little strawberry, how are you ? I could definitely tell that was Miss Leary. She thinks all her students are sweet little strawberries and I fear someday she would ask us that as you are my strawberry , I do want to eat you all as my breakfast ...... "Isabel, my heaven are you all right ?? We have been worrying about you, my dear . Are you feeling well, now ?? " yes ma'am , I do but still my head is lot heavier than normal . Can you do me a favor , ? "Ya sure ,tell me sweetheart .. when suddenly Eric entered and asked Miss Leary that our principal is calling her to discus few matters and so Miss Leary went with him to the principal's room and he asked Alec to do my favor . At first we both hesitated but then finally we agreed to stay together .

"Say , what favor you want from me, madwoman ?" Who the fucking hell are you telling me madwoman ?Okay, okay...... tell me now.. Can you tell me what exactly had happened yesterday ? "Oh dear, can you say please as it is a favor that I'm doing to you !!"OKAY , Can you PLEASE tell me exactly what had happened yesterday ?? " Nothing as such ...I was keeping a check on you , that's it." Why are you doing this to me; tell me what happened in the bar yesterday ? "WHAT!! hey do you know that you were unconscious for one whole week and Dr. Green told us that if you do not wake up today you may enter the coma stage "and while he was saying this to me, I found tears had started rolling down his cheeks and as soon as he recognized that I had found him sobbing he as a blink of an eye rubbed his tears off his cheeks. Why are you are you sobbing ?? " What , I am what? sobbing ?? Nay , I don't do sobbing kind of stuffs!!" Why are you lying to me , Alec ? .When I had woke up today I found you sobbing then also ..and believe me I don't lie."I know you don't and I found his way of speaking to be changed . Now he really started sobbing and I hugged him to soothe him down and as soon as I hugged I felt an electric shook between us. As I leave him , he stops sobbing and relaxes down. Alec , I.....I wanna tell you something...."Sure" Actually I think I love you. I know you are quite rude and a bad temper guy but still I like the way you are and as I said this , he bent down and kissed me on my lips. After releasing me he said he too had the same feeling for me but whenever he tried to tell me it had always end up in a fight." It's okay" and as soon as I forgive him , he bent down and kissed me hard. I had always read of kissing scenes in books or watched it in movies and thought how it felt ?,now I know it feels heavenly....

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