

Hell in the little apartment... Mister Virus chapter 29.
Mister Virus always bothered me with the water I used for doing my chores. I remembered that inside in the apartment where I lived, there was a key ring where the water came two days a week where I can use it easily.

Before, there was a very good-hearted lawyer who always came to collect the rent from me along with electricity and water, sometimes she came and even I didn't have the money to pay her, sometimes I had to give her another date, sometimes she was a little annoyed with me but we always got to agree in the end. She was very good with me.

Mister Virus was always looking for a place to penetrate, he began to manipulate the lawyer against me, I could saw her began to tell me something for another, because according to Mr.Virus they have to talk to me the other way around in order for me to understand. It seemed very good that Mister Virus wanted to do a personality exchange with me because it is with which him you have to talk backwards in order to understand you. If you want something to a perverse narcissist, you have to tell him: you don't want him because if the perverse narcissist knows you love something, he will do the things you don't love or he will try to destroy your love about this thing. They don't want to see you happy, they want to see you sad always. But the lawyer did not understand that Mister Virus was talking about him, not about me. She was beginning to allow herself to be manipulated but that did not last long because she went went in other country to live. But despite everything, with the little time it took for her to come to collect in my hand, she was very good with me. Because when the positivity is more, the negativity has to be completely erased, and in some cases, if the negativity is more, we will give water and sun to the little positivity, to see if it can be grown... That lawyer, despite everything, was a good person.

The problem was always with the water faucet. As Mr. Virus continued with his attack, he wanted to stick that idea in my head. It's like everything that will happen to me from now on is because I didn't turn off the water pump when I lived in the capital. I have to believe that lie because yes or yes.

As I said before, in my apartment there was a tap where the public water came to me two days a week. And when the water came, I filled my trays so that I could have water for the whole week. There was also a water tap under the stairs, in the first floor, the water came always in it and rarely I went down to go with a little pipe to look for water.

I could live in that apartment very well with my grandmother while I was studying and I could leave her until I finished my studies, but unfortunately with Mister Virus that apartment becomes a hell for me and my grandmother... It was horrible.

My hell begins with two plumbers, whos told me that they are the family of the owner of the house. They come one morning to knock on the door to tell me to fix the faucet in the apartment for me, so the water can arrive at my house every day. I felt that there was something strange about that, but they said they were the family of the owner, I accepted. They also told me that the water will no longer come from the street to reach my house, they are going to put a water tank and that Instead of reaching me, water will be poured into the water tank so that I could have the water all day and every day. They entered, did the work, minced the mosaic, cut the tubes in which the water passed and lead it to the water tank. They made me a test to show me that the water is spilling all over the house, I no longer had to fill the trays to store water.

They also told me that the water tank was for me alone, therefore I will not lack water. The water really came throughout the house, and the day after, it was gone. When I complained saying: I no longer have water and they answered me that the water tank was emptied and I have to feel all trays to have water.

Before they told me to fill my trays with water, I did it because I suspected them. I wanted to use the water from the tank to wash the dishes, and when I checked there was no water. I called one of the boys who did the repair for me, I said: You didn't tell me that I will alwayshave water, what happened to it that it's not arriving as you had told me? One of the man answered me once more, the water tank was emptied. I did the whole week without water and when I asked, the water tank was emptied. I told him: that tank was not just for me, how was it emptied every day without using it?
The boy laughed and said let me check to see, it was like making fun of me. He told me that he was going to fix it to be able to have water as he told me, and what he did, every time my water tank was filled he emptied it instantly to be able to say that it was me who was misusing the water because the water tank, as they said me, was only for me. Hell in that apartment was just beginning... In the next chapter, I will tell you much more.

© RebChrist888