

Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl:

The violence of the crash, the noise, the small table overturning, helped bring her out of the shock. She came out slowly, feeling cold and surprised, and she stood for a while blinking at the body, still holding the ridiculous piece of meat tight with both hands.

Wait was is this? She was only paying attention to the meat in her hands, so didn't see what was around her. Looking up, she shes a bloody table.

She didn't know how it all happened, once she grabbed the knife and set her sights, it was all a blur. The meat in her hands was red and bloody, barely resembling what she saw before she blacked out.

There was a thought in her head. Should she eat it? Honestly, she was hungry, whatever she did blacked out made her famished.

No no no. She is crazy to think about eating this! Throwing the piece of meat on the table, she plops to the ground, exhausted.

Where was she?

Now that she thought about it, she remembered being in the lab before this. Now she looks to be inside a cabin.

"I must be going insane."

But first before that, she needed to wash up, this blood is not coming off itself.

With shaking knees, she lifts herself off the floor which was also bloody to find the bathroom.
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