

The Beloved Traitor
(This story doesnot support any such immoral act as deceiving someone.It's a friction work and any similarities to it is mere coincidence. If you like the story please like, comment and follow ❤️❤️)

Dear Maithili, it's Gabriel Desuza, making a confession to you today.

 I never expected a normal day in life of an ordinary, third year "Fine Arts " student like me;would become this special.I was sitting on a bench at the college garden and listening to music over earphones when she placed her hand on my shoulder. I turned back. Giving me a letter,she said something.Though the sound of music prevented me from hearing what it was.She looked stunning in her short yellow dress.The short curly fair falling on her face with wind,might have casted a spell on me as I was lost for some moments .When she left,I started going through the letter. The inside contents was proof that the owner of that letter was really into me.The pet name "Blossom" at the end of letter made me conclude,it was her.'I didn't kew her name real name',this thought struck my head immediately and I started panicking.

I started investigating.After few weeks I got to know from my  friends and some juniors I that her name was Rachel.She was a second year student.Rachel was defamed as a bold, fearless girl who picks up fight quickly.I also got to know about you Maithili. You were described as a sweet, quite and studious girl and do perfectly matches the description.

    Amusingly we were in same sculpture class but I never noticed Rachel.Ever since I saw her,I would remain absent minded all the time. I started remaining happier than usual.I was often zoned out in her thoughts . I even couldn't sleep at night for days. When her image came to my mind I smiled for no reason,even my friends started noticing.

When she directly came to me, asking about my likes-dislikes and type of woman I prefer,I realised she was different. A daring soul in crowd of all cowards.I had intended to keep my tough boy image on and confuse her in words but her eager eyes and curious face forced me to spill it up.The victorious smile on her face at the end of the enquiry made my heart skip a beat.

Days passed, until then I had become fond of her.We often made eye contacts while walking down the corridor and she used to move a particular distance and then turn back at me.I still remember that day when students are to be paired for doing group project.A group's students were to choose a folded piece of paper on which B group's students' name were written and the one who get choosen would have to pair with the one who chooses. I actually bribed my friend to exchange his paper with mine so that I could work with her.This helped me get her number but I never dared to call  instead we texted each other about.

One day we two were in the sculpture room,alone.cWhile craving out a sculpture for project we came too close. My heart beat increased, I could feel her warm breath on my shoulder while she was busy explanation me the modifications to be done, I continued to look at her unknowingly. I felt thirsty and gulped few times. When she looked at me suddenly, we were lost in each others eyes for sonic moments.She controlled herself and moved back,  I also turned my face around feeling embarrassed.

    During our field trip, remember I slipped into the river and was about to drown when she came running and jumped into the chilled water in peak of winter season for my rescue.After bringing me to the land my whole body was numb and the whole group was trying hard to help me but I was only looking at her tensed face which horror was taking over slowly.

I don't know what happened but after that day she suddenly started ignoring me.I tried speaking to her but everytime she ignored.I thought she might be angry for some reason and giving some gift would sort things out.Like those shown in movies.
   You must remember that the two of you used to visit the cafeteria around 1:30pm every Friday.It was a Friday and I had brought a necklace with infinity sign.When you went to order your meals I ceased the opportunity and went to her, without uttering a word I put the necklace box on the table with a card saying -"FOR MY DEAR BLOSSOM".I went away swiftly without turning back as I feared people might doubt us and hopefully she was not expecting that .Next day I saw you wearing the necklace which broke me into pieces.

I decided to be friends with you and earn her love back by knowing more about her.You know better that we it didn't take us long to became close friends.Sometimes when I think about that time I feel bad for you,I would always ramble about her without thinking what you might feel.

I honestly couldn't figure out earlier why she seemed happy whenever she saw you and me together.Now I know the answer.I remember how I begged you to call her to a restaurant, lying that you would treat her to dinner.I was present there before her arrival and as soon as she spotted me,she was leaving but somehow I stopped her by swearing upon you.How childish!

That night there was an awkward silence between us throughout the dinner.Towards the end I asked,why was she ignoring me on which she didn't reply. As night was pouring,I decided to walk her to the taxi stand though my another motive was to spend more time with her .Suddenly it started raining. Without even noticing we held each others hands tightly and started running in search of a shelter.

We got one under the sun shade of a building, both laughing loudly. I don't remember clearly what happened but some akward sense stroke both of us as we were standing closer than ever.I gulped and lost my control.I brought my lips near her and tried to kiss but she pushed me back and ran away.

I screamed out loud -"I love you."She paused and turned back at me in the rain,with a restless look she shook her head to "No",then went away. If you remember, Maithili I called you that night and asked whether Racheal reached the hostel safely. Your positive reply made me relieved and I decided to make things official the very next day.

I brought a bouquet and proposed in front of everyone present at the corridor by addressing her as "Blossom". To my suprisement, you who were walking beside her took the flowers and confessed your feelings too. I was dumbfounded, I realised I have done a huge mistake.It was you who wrote the letter and probably Rachel told me that too but the music prevented me from hearing her words and I mistook Rachel as"Blossom".

People congratulated us one by one but my eyes were fixed on her's, which contained deep grieve of loosing love.I wanted to run to her and confess my feelings but I knew she would reject me for her best friend's sake. I figured out in order to be close to her I must act with you. I guess it was the worst decision I had ever taken in life.

    Whenever you held my hand while walking down the corridor and we faced Rachel,each time I could feel the same amount of pain she felt but I thought I had no other option. If only I had acted wise that time!Days passed and you were actually demanding something more from the relationship than mere talk or holding hands but I didn't knew how to tell you the truth.
The last time we all met was the party arranged few days before our final semester. Rachel had already drunk a lot, when you went to the washroom.To make me jealous she was flirting with some senior college fellows and they started touching her thighs and waist.I became angry and pulled her out from there. 

She was staggering, barely we crossed the drinking area and reached the exit she pushed me away.She cried and asked why did I cause her to love me.I tried to console her but being too drunk she thought she was just dreaming and yelled.It was the first time I saw her acting so recklessly. I still remember her exact words-"I wish I am dreaming and that I never wake up."after saying this she came near me and gave me a soft kiss.I was a little drunk too so I couldn't resist any longer, grabbing her by the neck I slowly pulled her more close and we shared an intimate kiss.

Suddenly she remembered that I didn't belong to her and moved back.I felt guilty of cheating you and Rachel both.I lowered my glance and looked in another direction where I shockingly found you standing at a distance with teary eyes.Rachel was also too shocked to see you there, she tried to give an explanation but you stopped her.You gave me a glance full of anger and disbelief then took her along with you, leaving the place.

I don't know what did you two talked about but from the very next day I never saw Rachel again in the college, I thought of asking you but couldn't bring myself to do so.I even called her but probably she had changed her number.I enquired others and got to know she left college.I graduated from college,became a full-time writer,got married in all these years. I was happy.

  Last month I met Rachel after ten years,during my Paris trip . She owned an art gallery there and had a cute,sweet, little daughter named 'Maithili'.They had waited for her boyfriend to get promotion and now as he got one they are getting married this month.We had a lot of chat, when I asked her about you she became sad and had no reply.I understood things are still now complicated between you two.Since then I tried to reach you out and apologise but you seemed to have detached yourself from all kinds of social media accounts and all our friends.

My beloved wife already knew about Rachel but not the details.When I confronted her the truth she gave me the idea of apologising to you over the book and so I'm writing to you.

  To tell you the truth I'm having last stage pancreatic cancer and I might die soon.I am writing it from the hospital bed waiting for the death.I sincerely apologise to come in between two good friends and messing things and maybe that's why I'm suffering from this fatal disease.If you are reading this, I beg you to meet Rachel and sort things up as you two are incomplete without each other.This would help my soul to reach for afterlife peacefully.
Gabriel's last book became a hit and was read by both Maithili and Rachel.Rachel came all the way from Paris to New York just to pay him a visit.With an anxious face she stood in front of his private cabin's door in the hospital. Through the glass door she saw inside the room, he was lying on the bed and another woman sitting beside, looked at him and sobbed ; probably his wife.She decided not to disturb them and was leaving when she heard someone calling her name,she turned back to find it was Maithili, her friend. In the long corridor they stood face to face at a distance and door to Gabriel's cabinet was between them;both of them smiled at each other with rheumy eyes .

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