

Chronicals of a Vampire Hunter continued... chapter 6
CHAPTER 6. Alaina's Scars

As Alaina walked out of the room. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I couldnt help but notice how beautiful she was. sure, she was a little rough around the edges, but she has that kind of natural beauty. the kind of beauty you are lucky to see maybe a few times in your life. Everything about her draws me in. when she looks directly into my eyes, its like She can see my insecurities. it's like she can read my thoughts. its like she knows every one of my dark secrets. her every cat like movement captures my whole attention. her body is a sculpted work of art. And although she has many scars, somehow they make her even more attractive. my mind races with these thoughts of her. I lay down on the bed because man, I'm feeling exhausted. Next thing I know, I'm lying there with Alaina, naked. I can feel our souls start to mingle. as if they were spinning around eachother. round and round. As if our souls were becoming one. I look over at Alaina, laying on her pillow. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. its dark but I can see the silhouette of her naked body. Shes nearly perfect. her skin is soft to the touch. no hair anywhere on her body except for the very long and beautiful Auburn hair on her head. It flows all the way down her body to just below her lower back. I go to pull her close. she rolls over and looks at me, seemingly with her heart. she gestures her lips toward me, as to say "kiss me". I start to decend down to kiss her. but wait thats not her lips. I'm headed straight for her neck. I want to kiss it. No, no, no, I feel my hunger take control. "Stop Damon", I scream to myself in my mind. the veins in her neck are all bulging out and pulsating as if they were trying to lure me in. I feel my teeth growing, shes like an irresistable aphrodisiac. and then all of a sudden I feel like I am on fire, I wake up from the dream as the machine I'm hooked up to pushes the medication into my bloodstream. It hurts so bad I'm disoriented. I feel like I'm being burned alive. I grit my teeth and try not to yell out. I tell myself outloud " its only for a minute Damon, it will pass". and then the fire starts to die down. my breathing goes from heavy little by little down to a relaxed state. as the pain diasapears. it really took a lot out of me this time. Every time the medication runs its course I feel weaker and weaker. more human like. but it feels like I'm loosing a part of myself every time the medicine does its job. I dont know if I really like it. I find myself questioning wether or not I want to continue the treatment. All of my worldly aches and pains return for a short time, reminding me how fragile humans are. I'm not anymore. At least not yet. if the medicine continues to kill the venom, I'll just be an ordinary person again. I can't let that happen. I won't. I can learn to control it. I know I can. "but what if I cant?" I ask myself out loud. "cant what" Alaina said. "oh Alaina" I said. "I didnt hear you come in, you startled me." "Sorry Damon". she said. " but I'm curious, what if you cant what"? she asked. "Oh nothing," I said. "I was just dreaming". "it was nothing". "Are you ok Damon?" she asked. "yeah I'm just fine." I said. "that medication just really does a number on me." "I know it's not pleasant Damon, but hopefully it won't be long before you wont need the treatment any longer". " The more the venom clears out of your body, the less pain you will feel!" "I know this first hand." Alaina pointed her finger toward her neck. I dont know how I didnt notice it before, she had two bite scars running in paralell with the main artery on her neck. "Wow, I hadnt noticed those before". I said. "I usually cover them with a really expensive base." "they would be hard to explain to a normal person". She said. "I almost turned." " it took over 400 doses of the medication, one hour at a time. I nearly lost my mind from the pain." "Well Alaina, at the risk of sounding like a sissy, I have to agree. If I have to take anymore doses, I just might loose my mind." I said. "Just hang in there Damon." She said. "Youre over the half way mark, every treatment from this point should be less painful than the last."