

You and I
For the rest of our lives, we may not live again. This moment, I mean. We may never find this moment of unbridled,
uninhibited feelings ever again.

we have arrived on top of what seems like the end of the world;
for you,
for me,
for all that exists between us.
We are on top of the tallest hill the stranger has guided us to.

you are laughing. and i?
I'm staring at you. your face is so full of hope, that it makes me believe this is somehow going to make up for all the years we wouldn't be spending together.

You look at your watch and ask if I want to leave. "The Sun probably won't be out anytime soon", you say.

It already is, I want to tell you.

"In a while, Eepsita", I say.

"In a while".