

Humans are really strange creatures. They're categorised under animals but believe that they're superior. It's true they've got brains, but they have no idea how to utilise them. They claimed land out of nowhere, land which belongs to every creature on the planet. They create money themselves, and become happy when they have it. They made it mandatory to earn for surviving, even though this resulted in many of them starving. They created divisions among themselves, just so that they could have a reason to fight with each other. They believe in the existence things they themselves wrote about long ago. They split up into nations, and decided to dedicate their lives to their nations rather than the entire planet. They shared land, seas, river, mountains.. even though nobody told them it was theirs to share. Others animals live in peace, enjoying their own freedom, but they- they enslaved one another for generations. They created heirarchies based on nothing, and followed irrational rules, which form the basis of today's society. Unlike animals, humans don't know how to live in harmony with nature. They drain and pollute the very same planet they live in, and then boast about being the smartest creature. If this is development, it's way better to be undeveloped, isn't it?