

Our first exploration
The village well as eerie even by the day. Stories of horror revolved around it. But nothing deterred me and my friends to explore it on that moonless, winter night. Everything was set for our exploration. Ravi had two torchlights with duracell batteries, Rita with a bag of snacks and bottles of water, Ram with his hand-made map and me in fear. At 9, all the doors were locked and the street looked eerie in dim streetlights. We stepped out silently into the backyard as planned and met under the huge banyan tree and traced our way towards the well. It wasn't far away from the tree but we made a map as we had watched it in detective series on television. It was a dream come true for all of us. We reached at half past 9 at the well. We stood aghast infront of it. There was not a soul except the four of us. I felt like being in an island surrounded by vast acres of grassland with an ancient well in the centre. We had no idea what we were searching for. We thought it would be a triumph to explore the well and let out its secrets. But we were standing in freezing cold, clueless and feeling lost. Unable to bare the cold, we all ran back to our houses and slept tight the whole day.

© Bhargavi