

Story (series): Small Garland of my mistakes (4th episode- Sincere )
Story (series): Small Garland of my mistakes (4th episode- Sincere )

In my life, I will talk about every flower of small garland of my mistakes, sometimes one by one, sometimes two or three together. These are just my own but may be true for many. When most of the people say that forgetfulness increases with age, but till now it is the opposite for me i.e. childhood forgetfulness is more.
Today while reminding this , it seems that my head was crazy when I was a child, else is it possible to forget or commit such mistake ! However when I have promised.I must have to say these . Today 4th episode : Sincere.

I go to college from my Sister's house, With bycycle 5-6 km to college through city bypass road. One and a half km from sisters house was the bypass road junction where one of my classmates who stays at his relative's house nearby this junction stood and waited for me to reach. Because he didn't have a bicycle. And there was no public bus or any other communication system through that bypass. Big trucks were running only . However, we used to reach the college on my bicycle from there. The road is dangerous, above all there is a huge up gradient in the middle on which long distance trucks travel. But if you want to go by public bus, you have to change the mini bus two or three times in the city and reach it by walking a little, that is another irony. So this system was better. The friend was a little more aware about health , he was reluctant to work hard, so when he came upgradient of the road, he would say - let's walk now. And my point was that if I take the bicycle for a walk then what is the meaning of the bicycle. He used to say bro I can't pull up with double ride . So I took up the challenge and cycled double for three years. I remember one day I challenged that friend to do a double ride. However, the trucks full of coal were also crying at that gradient , i.e. at a very slow speed. Then my friend would have catch the rear chain of the truck so that he could have crossed without pedaling ie without wasting his labor. Then there was no fear or fear like now. But one day one neighbor of my sister died when the back wheel of a moving truck burst while he was walking on the road. From the day after that, I gave up climbing up gradient catching the chain of truck and relied only on my bravery.

The fourth semester exam is going on like this. Arriving a little earlier, standing at the bypass connection, waiting for the friend from 12 noon, exam from 2 noon. It will take more or less 40 minutes to go, there is fear if the tyre get punctured!
But he is not coming, I am worried that he may be unwell. Time is running out. There were no telephones like now. At around twelve o'clock 30m start and reached the college at 12.50 on my bicycle and was surprised to see at exam hall , everyone busy with exams.
As invigilator English sir said you are so late?
No sir, actually I had second half exam in my mind so - - -.
He said Sushant wanted to go to your house without seeing you, in that case he would not be able to sit for the exam on time so I forbade him. And no one knew your address except him .
I still haven't forgotten his dialogue today when I entered the chamber to meet the principal sir - boo! if you were a sincere boy and did that, if you had come an hour earlier, I would have given you the exam, to get an hour more time to tie the papers, I know you would have passed it. but you come like a judge just three minutes early.
I said, Sir, I arrived an hour earlier thinking of the second half exam.
He said - don't be upset about what happened, make the rest better.
I saw the routine again on the notice board, yes the exam is from today at 10 hr so why did I think at 14 hrs ! I was upset that this year's scholarship will also be lost. What else can be done, you have to pay for the mistake. I didn't tell my sister or anyone, only my college friends knew, not only that, some of them said that if I take the second time exam, I won't get good marks, so I was worried for a long time. Later, I got 'O grade'in that subject. The only thing that was lost was the scholarship that year, which I could manage by doing a few more tuitions.
My friend and I came back. He on the road said that he reached junction by 9.10 hour and didn't see me. He waited for a while thinking that I must have gone out thinking that he was late and if he was late, the exam would start. So he signaled to a few trucks and got a truck and walked a little and reached the college at ten o'clock. But enters the class and realizes what has gone wrong. Actually till yesterday the exam was from 2 pm today and tomorrow from 10 am because the first year exam was ended yesterday . So the exam hall is vacate in the morning. When I got home I opened the routine notebook and found that I had written 2 PM on the first day of the exam, then on the next two days I had given a
Mdot but on the fourth, fifth and sixth days I had not given a dot or a dot where I should have written 10 AM under the time of the fifth and sixth days. I should have remembered at least the whole routine . I never dreamed that those who have read my previous stories in this series or will read them will think of me as sincere anyway, and that's why I feel uncomfortable even today when I remember the words of the principal sir, 'A sincere boy like you... One day with the incident of his class which I am not telling here but today I don't have the courage to claim that I have become sincere.
These days, with the help of mobile, the number of forgetting or making a mistake has decreased a little, but it has not completely gone away because if there is a fickleness why will it go mistakes ?

21.06.2024.T( Original Bengali)
Writco: 22.06.2024
© Don't KR