

The Infinite-Road!
Abi walked on the road of infinity. This road stretched beyond the horizon, where the sun and sky merged into one. The road was smooth and white, as if it were the bone of a giant demon. There was an eerie silence in the air, broken only by the sound of Abi's own footsteps.

After walking for a while, Abi came to a crossroads. There, endless roads stretched out in all four directions. Uncertain, he chose a path and kept walking. Even after hours of walking, there was no end to the road in sight. The sun rose higher and then began to set, but the path remained the same, endless and uninterrupted.

Abi was starting to tire. Then, he saw an old man sitting by the side of the road. His hair was white as snow, and his eyes held a vast knowledge. Abi approached him and asked, "What kind of road is this? Where does it end?"

The old man smiled and said, "Son, this is the road of infinity. It has no end. It's like your life. The more you walk, the longer the road becomes."

Abi became discouraged. "So am I trapped here forever?"

The old man shook his head. "No, son. Not trapped, but moving. Walking is life itself. With every step, you learn something new, experience something new. That's the joy of the journey."

A thought struck Abi. "But there's only one road. There's no freedom of choice."

The old man smiled again. "It's true that the road is one, but you can choose the pace at which you walk, the perspective with which you see it. You can smell the flowers along the way, or gaze at the sky. That's your freedom."

Abi understood the old man's words. He thanked him and continued walking. Now, he was different. Every step was a new experience for him. He smiled at the leaves blowing in the wind, touched the trees growing along the road, and felt the sun's rays on his skin.

The road of infinity was still endless, but for Abi, it was no longer a burden, but a beautiful journey. He kept walking, towards infinity, on the endless journey of his life.
© AbdulAhad GujBihari