

The ignorant future.
I find it strange we do not fully understand the concept of time,
when in all reality time doesn't move what so ever.
It is you that is not moving but rather aging,
When we address time in conversation always in the past tense we are acknowledging our own perception of our age.
A persons concept of time can be only based on their own perception...
Perception Is Everything as far as how we react and how we approach any situation.
All situations are a product or result of one or more as a collective of individuals...
Things do Not happen on their own and we know this because inanimate objects do not move on their own.
The saddest parts about the whole ignorance is bliss deal is that you're not only governed by inferior people but it also has no concept of true freedom!
Now I am no genius...
I am no savior...
I am Not the enemy...
I am the ambition that sleeps in us all...
People have grown dossil in this day and age, we allow strength to be measured by money...
A man made object that is worshiped as if it was a God.
By attaching a material object to the idea of free will, we have given birth to the concept of slavery.
From the moment you are born you are programed to fuel the ambition that is not your own.
The Only thing Free in this world today, IS the Idea.
Until the people realize strength does not come from lifting weights, it does Not come from statice, it does Not come from a 200 year old book,
it does not come from war...
We Will Always Fuel The Ambition Of Blind Domination.
Strength comes from Numbers!
How is it Something as small in scale can control millions of people?
The world has been groomed to accommodate Followers!
Every Great leader knows that strengths come from breeding Leaders Not Followers...
Group Think Is The Weapon We have Fallen pray too.
No Defense, No Knowledge, No Opposition And No Leaders...
This Is Why We Live Our Lives Believing We Need Our Goverment To Keep The Peace...To Keep Order...
To Keep Progression...
TO Keep From Taking Responsibility For Our Own Actions...
In My Lifetime..I Will Contribute To The Idea of Free Will, I will introduce the Very thing that The ambition of governments do NOT want you to be apart of ... and that is ...
Strength in Numbers is what they Fear MOST!
Why do you think they leave us always so divided?
If the concept of the goverment is to be a platform that the peoples voice can be heard, then why is it only utilized by two parties that can't even agree on Anything?
Its Time We Take Back What We Have Created And Put An End To The Ambition That Has Become Our Goverment!
Until the people take back the constitution so it works for the people and instead of against them we are screwed...