

First Panic Attack
I remember my first panic attack, it was March of 2016 and I was in the back seat of a car coming from Atlanta, Texas, and riding to Texarkana, Arkansas. I just remember ruminating on a horse I had just seen as we passed by a farm. The thoughts got deeper and deeper and I began to feel this fear, this impending doom feeling, I began shaking uncontrollably, and my left leg went numb. I grabbed a hold of the driver seat headrest and began shaking it. My fear grew deeper and deeper, I thought that I was fixing to die. I thought I was having a heart attack. I began hyperventilating. The driver asked if I had taken any drugs because I was known as a drug addict at the time. I said, "No". I begged him to take me to the local hospital. We went to the hospital in Atlanta and they gave me a paper sack to breathe in and within thirty minutes the panic attack was gone. I felt normal again. I felt such relief and in the same breath, I wondered what the hell had just happened.
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