

A Letter To An Angel 😇
I wrote my brother a letter today and sent it off to heaven, postmarked it with my heart ❤ it read....
Dear Brother,
I have seen you in my dreams for the past three nights, in these past 4 years you have been gone, I've noticed you come to see me only when I am at my breaking point, and I begin to turn my heart cold. This must explain the conversation we had while I slept off into another dimension. I remember you sitting next to me saying "Kari, don't be like me, don't be selfish" I replied "I am not being selfish, I am hurting". You held your head down and looked back up and said, "you have to be strong, I have to go kari, I love you!". Just like that you were gone again... I woke up in tears, because I just wanted that moment a little bit longer. Brother, people may not believe me when I tell them of these dreams I have, but I know in my heart that you come around when I am weak so that you can give me strength. I decided to take this moment to write you, to let you know that I hear you, I love you, and I miss you. I will always stay strong, because I have a brother with wings.

Your Sister