

icarus' fall
The sky was filled with hues of royal blue and soft shades of pink and yellow. the sun kissing the ocean creating a magnificent reflection, almost protal looking. On land, a man was carrying and laying large bricks the same height of a large feather of a bird.

This man was called Daedalus. he was a smart and witty craftsman, he had a son who was the oppisite, cunning and overly confident. Daedalus was tasked to build a large Labyrinth to contain the monstrous Minotaur. Days passed quickly and wide open eyes were present for sleepless nights. beads of sweat never left his skin and the rough calloused on his hands got worse and worse the more he worked to complete this Labyrinth for King Minos.

Daedalus almost completed the Labyrinth after days of hard work and hope with the help of his son, Icarus. However as the last brick was placed, Daedalus grew anxious that the King Minos would kill him and his son to keep the Labyrinth a secret. Yet he pushed the worries aside and celebrated with his son for the completion of the structure. Surely they would both be awarded for their hard work?

Not long later, the weather had stayed consistent, bright and joyful as Daedalus kept filling with worry. Overflowing past the brim. Prince Theseus arrived to see the construction of the Labyrinth holding the Minotaur.

The Prince Theseus wanted to slay the beast. Rushing in the maze with only a sword and a heart full of bravery, he killed the monster. However he could not find his way out. A wave of relief passed through him as Daedalus helped him escape the Labyrinth.

King Minos found out. He was full of pure rage and betrayal as Prince Theseus was his enemy. For revenge against Daedalus, Minos imprisoned him and his son in a tower for eternity.

Daedalus' worries came true that the King Minos would be mad at them both, and now he had to pay the punishment with his son. One night a flock of birds passed by the large open window and Daedalus created a great idea. every night he would tell his son Icarus to help him gather all the bird feathers and scraps of wood he found and bring it to him. From feathers, wood and wax, Daedalus built two wings to strap on his and his sons arms for them to fly out of the tower and escape to Sicily.

When the time came, he strapped the wings to his arms and then strapped them to his sons arms. He leaned in close to his son and warned him
"Do not fly too close to the sun, the wings will melt; do not fly too low, the sea will weigh them down."
Icarus was full of new excitement and adrenaline as they set off into the sky

They flew next to eachother over the sea, the sun hitting their backs as the fish jumped out of the water beneath them. Icarus grew more confident with his wings and flew higher through the clouds. He felt like a God in this moment, his dream had come true, he had become the hero he had always strove to be. While he was flying in the air he did not hear his father's worried cries warning him not to go too close to the sun.

Yet Icarus flew higher and higher, he felt the warm heat of the sun against his face but the warmth quickly transformed into scolding heat. The wax from his wings begun to melt and drip on his body, feathers falling loose and falling to the sea. Icarus laughed as he fell. he yelled into the winds, arms spread wide and teeth bared to the world he found joy in the face of failure.

He plummeted into the sea as his father helplessly watched his son die, tears fell from his father's face, falling into the very sea that hugged its waves around icarus body, pulling him to the bottom of the ocean.

Whilst weeping and crying hysterically, Daedalus found his sons body floating amidst feathers that were once glorious wings. He took his sons body to the nearest land and buried him there while helplessly crying at the tragic loss of his son.

As he buried his son, a small bird landed next to his head, where he hoped the spirit of his son had taken place of that bird, forever able to fly.

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