

Tales of a so-called-P.A.C.E Girl
°°Hello guys, I'm doing a story series called "Tales of a so-called-P.A.C.E Girl". It's about a girl who goes through alot but still manages to believe in P.A.C.E.°°

Let's Get Started!

Dear journal,

So its kind of night, I guess it's about 7:0. And I just pulled this book out of its stupid wrapping and I'm thinking about my "secret club". There is Me, Tamia, Asilyne and Chloe. So get this Chloe got to go to a little Halloween celebration at D.A.P, because I think she helped them or something. So Ms Browne gave a small bag of candy to all of us. Chloe forgot hers so she said"I think I'm gonna ask Ms.Browne if I can get one more". That was like so STUPID. The candy was for her trik or treaters but she still have us one each. I said to Chloe " It doesn't matter because you got a fun afternoon with candy and games!". She said "So, I still want my candy..!". Chloe is just so dumb at times to the point where I can't stand her. P.A.C.E I guess. P.A.C.E= Positive Attitude Changes Everything

- Bye 'till next time!
October 31, 2018

I hope you guys liked entry/episode 1. If you did please show my by liking, commenting and following me. BYEEE!